as an intermediary between parties; reconcile. be dependent upon. * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-06-07, author=(Joseph Stiglitz) , volume=188, issue=26, page=19, magazine=(The Guardian Weekly) , title= Globalisation is about taxes too, passage=It is time the international community faced the reality: we have an unmanageable, unfair, distortionary global tax regime. depends on the other. God Is Omnibenevolent: What Does It Mean to Be All-Loving? dependent_1 adjective - Definition, pictures ... word 7 synonyms for dependent upon: contingent on, contingent upon, dependant on, dependant upon, dependent on, depending on, contingent. Small companies are dependent upon the local economy. Dependent On Each Other synonyms guarded. belong to. The land is dry and wholly dependent on irrigation. Dependent Clause dependent upon. Other synonyms for the word be dependent upon. All organisms in an ecosystem depend upon each other. It only takes a minute to sign up. 2. Are all of the columns fully dependent upon the primary key? be dependent upon. (Photon Correlation Spectroscopy, NCI Thesaurus) Cancer that is not dependent upon the presence of estrogen for metastasis or growth. All non-UID attributes must be dependent upon the entire UID. adjective. Noun Phrase. “Son of man, behold, I am about to take from you the desire of your eyes with a blow; but you shall not mourn and you shall not weep, and your tears shall not come. On a macroeconomic level, this can involve … From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English be dependent on/upon something be dependent on/upon something DEPEND/IT DEPENDS to be directly affected or decided by something else Your pay is dependent on how much you produce. Modern science is critically dependent on high-performance computing. – its existence and validity is dependent upon another contract, such as pledge , mortgage and guaranty. contingent. ‘In fact I appeared in the subsequent valuation test case which valued that goodwill.’. codicillary. Synonyms for contingent include conditional, dependent, provisional, reliant, subject, based on, depending, depending on, subject to and controlled by. The preposition upon has the same core meaning as the preposition on. Isaiah 66:1-2 Humility is what impresses God.Pride gets between us and God, and without realizing it, we actually shut Him out of our lives. Relationships between employees who are dependent upon each other also directly influence productivity. Because it means "dependent (on)" it would seem an odd name for an automobile, but Chrysler (Plymouth) nonetheless chose it as one in 1981. Under this explanation of omnibenevolence, God always desires what is good, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that God ever actually tries to actualize the good. conditional: [adjective] subject to, implying, or dependent upon a condition. English Synonym (s) : Contingent Contingent On Contingent Upon Dependant On Dependant Upon Dependent On Depending On. Collocations and examples +-Adverbs frequently used with dependent. The fruit of the womb is a reward. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. Therefore, the Total field can be eliminated from our table to … Rank. The country is heavily dependent on oil and gas imports. ‘The organization's success, in fact its very survival, over the long term is dependent on ethical leadership.’. synonyms - dependent upon report a problem. The biblical command is to “present your … The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Grammar. A dependent clause will function as an adjective, and adverb, or a noun. from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English. Our site updates daily and contains masses of solutions to hints published for crosswords every day. Economic interdependence is a system by which many companies are economically dependent upon each other. Well, by checking the table we notice that the Total is not fully dependent on the primary key since the Total can be derived from multiplying the Unit Price times the Quantity. If you’ve looked for a solution to Dependent (upon) published on 23 July 2021 by The Times Concise, we’re here to help you find the right word. ‘The organization's success, in fact its very survival, over the long term is dependent on ethical leadership.’. Modern science is critically dependent on high-performance computing. The crossword clue Dependent (upon) with 7 letters was last seen on the July 23, 2021. If the population of one organism rises or falls, then this can affect the rest of the ecosystem. adjective. After understanding the food chain, we realise how one organism is dependent upon another species for survival. dependant on. The best 29 synonyms for depend (on or upon), including: count on, be dependent on, be determined by, be connected with, hang-by-a-thread, rest on, rest with, be subject to, be based on, be subordinate to, turn on and more... Find another word for depend (on or upon) at YourDictionary. deal with. dependant (n.) early 15c., originally in law, "action growing out of another action," from the adjective (see dependent) or from noun use of the adjective in French. View synonyms. I didn't think that anything is beyond humor - not profane humor, but a good, honest approach to humor. Mathematics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people studying math at any level and professionals in related fields. be interdependent with. My deal with your mate is dependent upon me succeeding. - Mort Sahl 3. 2-Gratuitous This is the British English definition of dependent. ‘The problem is that such a realization of search is very dependent on the query word or phrase, entered by the user.’. 1) Dependent Upon : منحصر Munhasar : determined by conditions or circumstances that follow. Dependent Upon synonyms - 15 Words and Phrases for Dependent Upon. Subordinate; subject to, under the control of, or needing aid from some extraneous source: as, the dependent condition of childhood; all men are largely dependent upon one another. contingent upon. It begins with producer organism, follows the chain and ends with decomposer organism. To claim your child as your dependent, your child must meet either the qualifying child test or the qualifying relative test: To meet the qualifying child test, your child must be younger than you and either younger than 19 years old or be a "student" younger than 24 years old as of the end of the calendar year. Advertisement. Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary Word definitions in Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary 1856; see rely + -ant . … We call this interdependence . Synonyms for dependent. dangling, hanging, pendent. (or pendant), pendulous, suspended. 2 determined by something else. our going to the movies tonight is dependent on whether or not we have any money left after we eat out. dependent upon each other. - Denis Waitley 2. be applicable to. A transitive dependency occurs when one nonkey attribute is dependent upon another nonkey attribute. be pertinent to. belong to. dependent personality disorder: [ de-pen´dent ] 1. pertaining to dependence or to dependency. Synonyms for DEPENDENT: dangling, hanging, pendent, pendulous, suspended, conditional, contingent (on or upon), subject (to); Antonyms for DEPENDENT: independent, unconditional, benefactor, philanthropist, supporter bear upon. C- According to name. bear upon. dependent upon - determined by conditions or circumstances that follow; arms sales contingent on the approval of congress. contingent on, contingent upon, dependant on, dependant upon, dependent on, depending on, contingent. Prayer is, among other things, an acknowledgment of God’s power, promises, and provision. Dependant and dependent are not interchangeable. on … A dependent clause includes a subject and a verb in the clause. have a bearing on. 2005 (Nonestrogen-Dependent Cancer, NCI Thesaurus) Having reliance on. 25. Dependent is defined as someone who relies on someone else for their existence. An example of a dependent is the child of a man. ... Relying on or requiring the aid or support of another: adult children who are still dependent on their parents. Related WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch to new thesaurus Verb 1. depend upon - be contingent on; "The outcomes rides on the results of the election"; "Your grade will depends on your homework" depend on, devolve on, hinge on, hinge upon, turn on, ride build on, build upon, repose on, rest on - be based on; of theories and claims, for example; "What's this new evidence based on?" Dependent Upon in Detail. You can easily improve your search by specifying the number of letters in the answer. dependent definition: 1. needing the support of something or someone in order to continue existing or operating: 2…. independent from each other. depend upon. A relation is in third normal form when all transitive dependencies have been resolved. The adjective contingent can be used to describe something that can occur only when something else happens first. A subordinate clause is a clause that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence; it merely complements a sentence’s main clause, thereby adding to the whole unit of meaning. In British English, 'dependent' means reliant on and a dependant is a person (usually a child or a spouse). What does it mean by interdependence between species? mutually dependent. D-According to cause. Now, let’s look at the other aspects of a food chain, to get a better understanding. Symbiosis definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. be dependent upon. dependent upon (adj.) conditional. 16. Conditional. 1 dependent on/upon Contingent on or determined by. dependent on. mutual dependency. The country is heavily dependent on oil and gas imports. conditional. be well taken. provisory. This understanding of omnibenevolence is often … Find more similar words at! fortuitous. Because he is dependent upon us for both food and love, … Small companies are dependent upon the local economy. contingent, contingent on, contingent upon, dependant on, dependant upon, dependent on, depending on. Mediate definition, to settle (disputes, strikes, etc.) Related WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch to new thesaurus Adj. contingent on. 1- Nominate-with a special name, such as pledge, barter and lease. This page has lots of examples of dependent clauses in sentences and an interactive exercise. 1. dependent upon - determined by conditions or circumstances that follow; "arms sales contingent on the approval of congress". be pertinent to. All Free. contingent on, contingent upon, dependant on, dependant upon, dependent on, depending on, contingent. This page has examples of 'dependant' and 'dependent' used in sentences to explain the difference as well as an explainer video and an interactive exercise. When you pray, you demostrate dependence on God. No non-UID attributes can be dependent on any part of the UID. My mom taught me the power of love. Look it up now! dependent meaning: 1. needing the support of something or someone in order to continue existing or operating: 2…. A dependent clause is one that cannot stand alone as a sentence. 1. Antonyms for dependent upon. The extra energy required to make another effort or try another approach is the secret of winning. See more. . That means that we are heavily dependent upon alarm clocks. Many of the patients are closely dependent on staff for day-to-day emotional support. be connected with. Because a subordinate clause is dependent upon a main clause to be meaningful, it is also referred to as a dependent clause. Hanging down; pendent: as, a dependent leaf. A partial functional dependency occurs when a primary key is a composite key and a nonkey attribute is dependent upon part of the key. The tanning, currying and finishing of leather, an industry largely dependent on the plentiful supply of oak and hemlock bark for tanning, is centralized in the northern and eastern parts of the state, near the forests. dependent-upon | definition: determined by conditions or circumstances that follow | synonyms: contingent upon, conditional, contingent on, depending on, dependant on, dependant upon, contingent, dependent on| antonyms: unconditional, unqualified, certain, impossible, crude Here are some practical ways to depend on God alone: 1) Pray. This occurs when one organism consumes another organism. Adjective. The land is dry and wholly dependent on irrigation. The toddler seemed overly dependent on her mother, crying every time she left her even for a second. 2. hanging down. adjective 1. 2 letter words GO 4 letter words ABUT - DRAW - HANG - HOPE - LEAN - RELY - RIDE Symbiosis definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. be interdependent with. bear upon. dependent on/upon: They hate being dependent on their parents. 1. dependant upon - determined by conditions or circumstances that follow; "arms sales contingent on the approval of congress" contingent on, contingent upon, dependant on, dependent on, dependent upon, depending on, contingent conditional - imposing or depending on or containing a condition; "conditional acceptance of the … Success is almost totally dependent upon drive and persistence. depend upon. bear on. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English dependent de‧pen‧dent 1 / dɪˈpendənt / W3 adjective 1 NEED DEPEND ON/RELY ON needing someone or something in order to exist, be successful, be healthy etc OPP independent dependent on/upon Norway’s economy is …
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