dr strange vs thanos without gauntlet

Imagine if Thanos didn't have any stones. MCU Fight: Dormammu Vs. Thanos (w/ Filled Infinity Gauntlet) Bowser vs. Thanos (Completed) DC Comics Darkseid Doomsday General Zod Lobo Mongul Superboy-Prime Trigon Superman Anti-Monitor Emperor Joker Steppenwolf (DCEU version, as MCU Thanos) Dragon Ball Z Goku Frieza Broly Kid Buu Frieza Shenron Beerus Zeno Moro Fusion Zamasu Enerjak (Sonic the Hedgehog) Father Balder (Bayonetta) Shao Kahn (Mortal Kombat) Ragyo . Can Doctor Strange or Thor wield the Infinity Gauntlet ... 21. level 1. Dr. Surtur. Round 3: Thanos with 4 Gems (The Thanos who fought Tony, Strange, & Co.) Round 4: Thanos with all 6 Gems. 3y. Higher with the Infinity Gauntlet (Fought Star-Lord, Drax, Dr.Strange, Spider-Man, Iron Man etc continuously without feeling tired, went to Wakanda and fought the last remaining Avengers as well) . Sonic: You're too slow! Do you think Infinity War Thor would be able to beat MCU ... This should be obvious. Strange at the height of his power versus Galactus would have been fun to see. I'm talking comics. In the beginning of the endgame Thanos's damaged hand overpowered Carol's leg. It grants the bearer infinite power over reality through the use of the six Infinity Stones (Mind, Reality, Soul, Time, Power, and Space) embedded in it. Why is thanos without the gauntlet stronger than full ... Thanos, referred to as the Dark Lord by his most loyal underlings and the Mad Titan by the galactic community, is a powerful Titan warlord, the last of his kind, who rules over a distant region of space and commands two massive armies, known as the Chitauri and the Outriders, and a small group of followers known as the Black Order. Without the Gauntlet, it wouldn't even be a question, but even with it, Strange's powers are beyond Thanos'. Thanos blocks it with Infinity Gauntlet. Dormammu Vs. Thanos: Who Would Win And Why? Is Dr. Manhattan stronger than Thanos? She would absolutely destroy Thanos. Doctor Strange was actually repelling most of Thanos's attacks, which I have to imagine were amped up with the gauntlet and stones. Answer (1 of 7): The answer is no. I think Strange would pull off . Thanos has actually been beaten numerous times in the comics, with AND without the Infinity Gauntlet, and most of the time his ego is the very root cause of his downfall. 2. Without any enhancements, Thanos doesn't really stand much chance against Dormammu, even if Dormammu is removed from the Dark Dimension; Dormammu is just more powerful. She would absolutely destroy Thanos. Drawing power from the Dark Dimension made her so much powerful. WARNING! Thanos without the gauntlet seems to cap at Hulk's level, which is city+ last time I saw. Wielding The Infinity Gauntlet. Dr. If normal Strange can protect himself from getting absorbed with a rune, then Thanos should be able to as well by using the Soul Stone. I think vision is still alive and still in possession of the mind stone. I disagree with your second statement. -Destroyed Asgaard. This will also give the story arc with Avengers vs Thanos time to mature and build up tension. Speaking of Thanos, . Classification: Titanian Eternal. I agree and disagree. Doctor Strange and the time stone took place in our dimension, which is exactly how Strange defeated him, because Dormammu's dimension has no concept of time like ours does. Firstly, I do agree that the heroes on Titan would beat Thanos without a gauntlet. Even when he had it he still considered regular Strange a genuine threat. Mistress Death exists wherever there is life in the Multiverses', the ALE does not. Thanos could effortlessly crush Hela, with or without the Infinity Gauntlet. HUGE SPOIL OF END GAME AHEAD: Thor lost to Thanos EASILY in a battle of 3vs1 (Captain and Tony were there too), Thor had lightning power all over him and was holding not only the stormbreaker but . Dr. (*Cues: Wiz & Boomstick - Brandon Yates*) Wiz: Power. Thor lacks hax. Thanos can directly reality warp while Strange just conjures up a bunch of stuff and uses magic blasts so Thanos wins. "Well, Kid, you made a big mistake." Thanos disappeared, no longer on the planet Titan. 01:00. Thanos battling against Doctor Strange. Our crew is made up of Asgardian families, we have very few soldiers . Thanos could probably put up an okay fight because he's durable and smart, but Strange would get the best of him. Thanos with his Infinity Gauntlet uses a tree to knock out Sonic, Sonic dodges and was coming to punch Thanos. Strange gave Thanos the stone in exchange for sparing the life of Tony Stark at the end of the Battle on Titan. but he would need that magical condition Batman thrives on. Thanos was voiced by Justice Washington and Darkseid was voiced by Edward Bosco. Dr. In canon, Thanos with the gauntlet was as powerful as Eternity, and according to the Living Tribunal, was permitted to replace Eternity if Thanos succeeded, God Emperor Doom was more powerful than that. Or turn him into butterflies. User Lists: 0. Nebula has done it. Doctor Strange - November 6, 2016 . also I think Rick gets decapitated in season 9 1 Winner: Thanos. User Info: cometgalleon444. Thanos and Gamora are approached by a mysterious figure. However, with his great achievements and with the newfound complete trust of the Ancient One, Strange was tasked with protecting the Time Stone . Thanos had to rip the Power Stone free of the gauntlet and hit her with its power to get free. And defeated Thanos. Sonic gets up and uses speed on Thanos and running around Thanos. Note 1: The Infinity Gauntlet is a "hub-and-spoke"-style crossover--Thanos doesn't appear in most of the tie-in issues, and you can just read the six issues of Infinity Gauntlet itself--which are what's in the paperback--without reading the tie-ins, which are listed here for the sake of completeness. Other characters who might have a chance of defeating Thanos (without the Infinity Gauntlet) : Vision The Infinity Gauntlet is an extremely powerful object created and forged to be able to channel the power of all six Infinity Stones. Round 2: Thanos w/ Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos (MCU) Lmao. Dr. Strange and Thor Odinson could both wield the Infinity Gauntlet. Strange, and his sling ring is clearly being worn on his left hand. Dormammu vs. . Thanos shattered the mirror dimension shield pretty easily. With the full power of . Doctor Strange may have the word "strange" as part of his name, . Strange are all Multiversal as well. Both Scarlet witch and Dr. Doctor Strange (Classic) Thanos is just Smart, without the infinity gauntlets, he rivals Odin/Thor in strength and durability. She is the teacher of Doctor Strange. The Tribunal is above the Eternity figures for all of the universes, together. He has two movesets, one with the Infinity Gauntlet and one without. 202. Hmm. Thanos is a character from Marvel Comics. They all have the power to affect more . Answer (1 of 5): He could. . Thanos stated, wacking Iron Man out of the air, and watching him go flying in satisfaction. Admittedly, there is a lot of debate over what exactly Doctor Strange was doing in Infinity War - after seeing 14,000,605 futures, he decided to give Thanos the Time Stone, enabling him to ultimately kill half the universe - but this one aspect seems a cut-and-dry oversight. This Thanos LEGO® BrickHeadz construction character is fun to build using colorful LEGO bricks that recreate all of his iconic details from the blockbuster Avengers: Infinity War movie, including purple skin, chest armor and Infinity Gauntlet with Infinity gem decorations. Or sent him in any other part of the universe. Adam Warlock vs. Thanos: Round One . Even Thanos himself questions it during their fight. Strange would eventually dramatically improve his power and skill in magic as he received more training and gained more experience, as by the time of the Infinity War, he proved capable of single-handedly combating Thanos's use of the Infinity Gauntlet more effectively than the Guardians of the Galaxy and even Iron Man, with even the Titan . Most importantly though, towards the end of the fight there are a few closeups of Dr. THANOS' NATURAL ABILITIES Doctor Strange and Thanos never had a direct clash in the comic books, although Doctor Strange did fight against him as part of a group and he has fought characters of similar power as Thanos. According to Kong: Skull Island director Jordan Vogt-Roberts though . Speaking of Dormammu vs. Thanos, there's still a lot to be said. and wasn't even capable of being released from that realm without help from the outside. 01:00. His own main objective was to bring stability from the universe, as he believed its . Power Blast - uses the Power Stone to send waves of powerful energy at Sora. —Thanos, after Sora pummels him with a Limit attack. Thanos is stronger, faster, more durable than Thor Thor's advantage is only lightning and it seems that it doesn't affect Thanos much. He also stands on a buildable collector's baseplate for easy . Thanos: Hm. Special Abilities: Without Items. Naruto wins easily. Thanos might dream of having the Infinity Gauntlet, and it might do Infinity Gauntlet-like things, but since it's not the Real World genuine article, Freddy Krueger - and his Horror compadres - won't be so easily stopped. Thanos and Strange then dueled, with Thanos using the Gauntlet to fire a beam of energy using the Power Stone and then infused the Power Stone's energy into the Gauntlet to destroy Doctor Strange's use of the Mirror Dimension, after which he unleashed a black hole with the broken shards from the destruction of the Mirror Dimension upon the sorcerer using . There are multiple Stranges within the Multiverse, but none has come to The Visitor. Round 1: No Gauntlet Thanos. Feats: -Killed Hela in one blow (Hela easily shattered Mjolnir) -Odinforce Thor, Hulk, and Valkyrie ran away from him. Round 2: Thanos with Only the Power Gem. Ebony Maw doesn't get the Eye of Agamotto; Thanos rips the housing of the Time Stone off of Dr. Strange's neck but the stone within was a fake. Thanos isn't a sorcerer or a wizard, he's a fighter. Strange could beat Zexion. Well the best we've seen Thanos without the Gauntlet was at the start of Infinity War, when he completely lays the smack down on the Hulk. Thanos>Carol. Captain America has done it as well. Thanos threatens Gamora with the death of Nebula. She is the teacher of Doctor Strange. He has no magic and can not defend himself against Strange's magic. Anyone can wield the Infinity Gauntlet. Doc Strange goes back to when Thanos was a boy and turns him into a house plant boom problem solved. [Asgardian PA]: This is the Asgardian refugee vessel Statesman! This would, hypothetically, see this third version of Thanos, still crazy and mad for power as always, crossing over onto DC Comics' home turf. Upon waking up, Thanos was quickly able to break out of the restraints, sending Mantis flying with great force by just using a single hand, kicking Drax away, forcibly turn the force of Doctor Strange's magical restraints against him to send him flying, and sending Spider-Man away from him and regaining control of the Infinity Gauntlet. So we've got to ask- Can Xehanort beat the Hulk? The Infinity Gauntlet is a gauntlet used for channeling the power of the Infinity Stones. Manhattan wins in this regard, since his powers are directly tied to him and his DNA. His main objective was to bring balance to the universe, which . 889. She is the teacher of Doctor Strange. "I need to go and get my gauntlet back." The man followed the familiar path of his ship to the teleporter, smirking evilly. This was not an even battle from the start. Even Dr Strange, in my honest opinion, could beat Thanos WITHOUT gauntlet because Thanos relied too much on the stones during his actual fight in infinity war, while Ebony Maw defeated Strange swiftly. Originating from a Universe with a happier ending; one of which the Ancient One survived her encounter with Kaecilius and Strange never became the Sorcerer Supreme. Even without Gauntlet, Thanos was able to fight all the strongest MCU superheroes at once. After failing repeatedly to acquire the Infinity Stones, Thanos took matters personally and forced the Dwarves to construct the . Strange also doesn't have 5+ other people distracting Thanos for him. Thanos was a genocidal warlord from Titan, whose main objective was to bring stability to the universe, as he believed its massive population would inevitably use up the universe's entire supply of resources and perish.To complete this goal, Thanos set about hunting down all the Infinity Stones, as the combined efforts might wipe out half the universe, being aided by the Black Order, composed . Without the infinity gauntlet, Thanos can be teleported by Strange into another dimension easily. This is King Thanos Strange could wreck his shit, no sweat. She has an experience of many centuries and is very powerful. Strange's weakness is he needs movement and time. #21 InnerSeoul. The opposite is true of Thanos in the comics. Fate and Darksied and Dr. That was incredibly impressive. If the fight takes place on the edge of both dimensions and both Thanos plus gauntlet and Dormammu are at full power, I genuinely don't know which way it would go. So many what if's with Infinity War Also I don't think Thanos has the full Infinity Gauntlet and here's why. Team Doomsday vs Team Hulk #. When Iron Man and Spider-Man attempt to get it off his hand . Thanos uses his Infinity Gauntlet on Sonic. Thanos and Gamora follow Red Skull to the location of the Soul Stone. Now, before we give the answer, let us just take a quick look at the official numbers, the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z (2010) , lists . Disney Heroes Episode: Disney Heroes VS Thanos Rated: TV-PG In this epic 60 Minute Episode, the Heroes, Avengers and Allies unite together for a Final Showdown against Thanos for the winner-take-all match to save the Universe. "They held their own..". She would absolutely destroy Thanos. In Endgame we see Scarlet Witch literally almost KILL Thanos until he called his airship to destroy the battlefield to save his life. Spider-Man Infinity While restricted by the hundreds of Eldritch Whips from Doctor Strange's replies, Thanos was able to activate the Infinity Gauntlet to free himself. Wielding Cosmic Cube. Other characters who might have a chance of defeating Thanos (without the Infinity Gauntlet) : Vision 2m . I wish the answer was yes but apparently it's not *1. #1. Thanos without the gauntlet isn't going to sit there and wait around to defend like he did with the gauntlet. cometgalleon444 3 years ago #16. 11.5 K. With the Infinity Gauntlet or even just some of the Infinity Stones, Thanos would easily defeat Dormammu. If it was base dr strange would beat everyone. like when he took on Warlock and the Infinity Gauntlet to do anything. It's the most entertaining shit ever. Fans saw Thanos powers without Gauntlet. Drawing power from the Dark Dimension made her so much powerful. Now, if we were talking composite Strange vs composite Doom, then you'd have a real fun clusterfuck to debate. Answer (1 of 3): Yes. He could have continued the fight and may have won. Some spend entire lives in search of it, while for others, it is their . The MCU hasn't had a villain as powerful and sophisticated as Thanos since Ego the Living Planet, a Celestial, showed his face to our favorite group of a-holes in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. Saying Thanos win because of the time stone is like saying if spiderman had the time stone he could beat Dormamu. She tests her new powers by attacking Thanos with an Upperhook, a fast Body-slam and an energy Wave attack, Doctor Strange demands Thanos to bargain. DCEU Superman is an insanely powerful being (mostly by being able to shrug off Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Cyborg combined), but MCU Thanos (with the Infinity Gauntlet and four Stones) is also an insanely powerful being (able to shrug off Iron Man, Drax, Spiderman, and Star Lord, all expertly backed up by Doctor Strange, combined). Strange does have his sling ring when fighting Thanos on Titan, and this is confirmed by Strange manifesting ports for Spider-Man, Star-Lord and Mantis at various times. Team Doomsday I think doomsdays team only wins beacuse thanos has the ig. When people think of Doctor Strange and his power level, they usually think of Infinity War, where he held his own against Thanos (who had 4 Stones at the time). The gauntlet was created by Eitri for Thanos. The Nova Corps refers to him as a "Category 1 Life Ender," a mark that holds true considering he actually did go through with his life-ending plans. Dr. Thanos snaps. . Thanos: Of course it won't. Thanos tosses Sonic. Thanos hears how he must obtain the Soul Stone. Thanos and his Infinity Gauntlet art from the comic book. Even without the Infinity Gauntlet, comic book Thanos always displays an impressive set of abilities. Don't get me wrong, of the good guys, Dr Strange is probably second strongest, above even the Hulk (his duplicate whip trick seemed enough to restrain Thanos until he used the gauntlet, which should make it more then enough for Hulk, not even mentioning everything else Strange has going for him), but Thor as of Ragnarok and then . Pondincherry. But no matter what happens, the Team will succeed together as Family, and this Season Finale will end in a Big Bang. She has an experience of many centuries and is very powerful. Composite Strange however should have no issue taking down Doom either. Thanos (Infinity Gauntlet) vs. Darkseid (Ant-Life Equation) . Strange would have to be busting out all of his amulets etc. But Galactus at the height of his power? A knockoff gauntlet was in Odin's vault, which was right-handed, while the real one, which is left-handed, is in Thanos' possession. Thanos VS Darkseid is the 103rd episode and Season 5 Finale of DEATH BATTLE!, featuring Thanos from Marvel Comics and Darkseid from DC Comics in a battle between godly space tyrants. Dormammu (MCU) The reason why doctor strange won against Dormamu was because of a spell. Top Stories. Probably not. Avengers Infinity War Script. It's how Maw easily defeated him. 1 year ago. But did get the opportunity to see combat style of Thanos with Infinity Stones. Drawing power from the Dark Dimension made her so much powerful. A replica of the gauntlet was kept in the Asgard weapons vault under Odin's regime. He has telekinetic powers, laser eyes and can straight up shoot energy blasts from his fists. But he uses his Infinity Gauntlet Powers to send a 2-Mile Asteroid towards the area, Doctor Strange uses the Time Infinity Stone to create a Time Loop before the Asteroid struck going back to 1 . Especially when he comes wielding his almighty Infinity Gauntlet with all six Infinity Stones. A right-handed . Requesting aid from any vessel within range…We are 22 jump points out of Asgard. IIRC assuming no infinity gauntlet/HotU power gains from Thanos within the day I don't know much of Thanos being able to hold up against Strange's Avatar of Eternity form (unless Thanos is a universe+ class fighter without his power ups), or his ability to simply call up heavier cosmic hitters (like in his fight vs. the In-Betweener). PLAY SOUND. Oblivion 1 y 7 mo 23 d. Team Doomsday vs Team Hulk #. He might get one spell off at most and he better make it good. Thanos kept his word and left stranding Stark and Strange on Titan. Strange alone would do like one spell and send him in Mirror Dimension. Wielding The Heart of The Universe. Dr. Round 3: Against Narutoverse (all characters simultaneously) w/o Infinity Gauntlet. Jun 28, 2018. Strange would eventually dramatically improve his power and skill in magic as he received more training and gained more experience, as, by the time of the Infinity War, he proved capable of single-handedly combating Thanos' use of the Infinity Gauntlet more effectively than the Guardians of the Galaxy and even Iron Man, with even the Titan . Strange will win due to hax. Other characters who might have a chance of defeating Thanos (without the Infinity Gauntlet) : Vision 2018's Avengers: Infinity War may be several months away, but Thanos's imminent threat is ever-present. Doom took out beings who bested the Tribunal. Or bind him in Mystic chains. Tony was noticeably injured before he joined the fight with Thanos in Endgame, and he got knocked out by Thanos-mediated friendly fire by Mjolnir. Thanos is one of the hardest story-level bosses, together with Riku-Ansem, Dragon Maleficent, Xaldin and Vanitas. If you forgot how strong doctor strange is in comics, once he broke the living tribunal's chains. Not only does Doctor Strange have a great many spells at his command, but his tools and weapons also allow him to supersede many of the functions of the Infinity Gauntlet. With Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos, Gamora and Red Skull. She has an experience of many centuries and is very powerful. We are under assault, I repeat, we are under assault - The engines are dead, life support failing!

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