poseidon powers and abilities

Poseidon | Origin Comics Wikia | Fandom Poseidon is the Olympian God of the seas, rivers, water, storms, tempests, winds, hurricanes, rain, floods, drought, earthquakes and horses. He is a member of the 6 Traitors Dynasty. He has not . As the God and King of the Sea, Poseidon has many powers and abilities which he had possessed: Hydrokinesis; Conjuration of earthquakes Powers and Abilities [] Poseidon Nero is a member of the Oración Seis Galáctica , a group that is stated to be the cosmos's strongest warriors, being renowned for crushing entire planets. 92. Upon noticing this he says: "By the beard of Poseidon." Powers and Abilities Super powers Poseidon, also known as Neptune (roman name), is the Greek deity and King of Atlantis. His name is cognate with the first element of his Roman equivalent Jupiter. Berber Deity Physiology The user can have the traits and abilities of the deities of various Amazigh Mythologies. 861. He was one of the most powerful gods in Olympus, second only to his brother Zeus. Poseidon Rex is a large Tyrannosaur with yellowish-brown scales and large blue fins above each eye, similar fins running down its back, and one encircling its tail. Attributes. Jungle Monsters take 4x the amount of damage and restore 3% Health and 5% Mana when they die if they are burned. Shapeshifting: Like any god, Poseidon can change his appearance at will. What are Hades Powers that are Really Scary? At one point he desired Demeter. The identity of Percy's father remains a mystery for half of the novel. What superhuman powers or talents or abilities did Doris the Greek goddess have? He also is the King of the Oceans and Atlantis.In terms of power, he is surpassed in eminence only by his brother Zeus, with his other brother, Hades, being his equal.He appears as an ally in God of War and a major antagonist in God of War III. Cosmic Awareness: Poseidon, like all Gods, is aware of the multiverse and the realms that lie beyond. Magical Power +50. Main article: Atmokinesis Main article: Aerokinesis Main Article: Electrokinesis Children of Zeus/Jupiter are stronger than regular demigods as their . After the Titanomachy, the three deities worked in reshaping the world. Poseidon possesses the conventional superhuman attributes of an Olympian god: Superhuman Strength: Neptune is among the physically strongest of the Olympians and can lift about 70 tons without supplementing his strength with his other powers. Poseidon is the Greek god of the sea, storms, earthquakes, droughts, floods and horses. However, I think Hades might be stronger tbh. 15,721. As the goddess & queen of the seas, Amphitrite can manipulate/control water. Powers and Abilities. Among other things, he had complete control over water . Answer (1 of 31): Poseidon, the Earthshaker himself. All rights to Marvel Entertainment i do NOT own anything . hails from an alternate timeline where he defeated Kamen Rider OOO. Hermes makes an appearance in the myths of two most popular Greek heroes; Perseus and Odysseus. Amphitrite is the Queen of the Seas & Queen of the Sea-gods. Similar to OOO, possessed Michal puts three Core Medals on the Poseidon Driver . He can calm the water or make it roar. It seems Doris was not a . Hydrokinesis: Being the God of Oceans, Poseidon had omnipotent control over water. The power of Hades' children is greater than most demigods due to their father's status as one of the Big Three. Kraken (Ultimate): Kraken and multiple tentacles emerge from underneath the . Although most share at least one trait of ADHD or Dyslexia, their abilities are dependent on their divine parentage. Magical Lifesteal. See Also. The Superhero Database Classification number, or SHDB Class, is a number that represents the overall 'power' of a character. Tier: At least 9-A, higher with his Trident and Pieces of Eden Name: Poseidon, Neptune (by the Romans) Origin: Assassin's Creed Gender: Male Age: Unknown Classification: Isu, Ruler of Atlantis, God of the Seas Powers and . Poseidon is the Greek God of the Sea, and as such he had responsibilities such as protecting and/or killing fishermen and sailors perceived to be a threat to the ancient Greeks. He turned a gentle breeze into a raging hurricane. She can calm the oceans and give protection to seafarers and . He lived in a beautiful palace under the sea and caused earthquakes when he was in a rage. The Olympian Gods and Goddesses Hera was goddess of marriage and the queen of Olympus. As demigods of the Underworld, they have control over all that is subject to his kingdom beneath the earth. Powers & Abilities [] Powers [] As the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, as well as the Queen of the Underworld, Persephone is extremely powerful, more so than a celestial god. Cryokinesis: By many accounts, Poseidon was said to control snow-capped regions (i.e the Arctic) and had set one of the Sea-gods, Proteus to rule over . He was one of the most powerful gods in Olympus, second only to his brother Zeus. A Summary of the Powers of the Greek God Poseidon. Immortality - Poseidon is over 5,000 years old . Demigod Abilities are the inherited powers of a demigod. Aquaman once encountered what he thought was a killer whale, but upon touching it, he realized it was actually made of FRERP, a special type of plastic. What powers and skills did he have? When feeling strong emotions, his ears become fins. In fact, Zeus was widely regarded to be more powerful than all the Olympians put together including his powerful brothers Poseidon and Hades. Because of this heritage Poseidon possesses almost unlimited power. His physical capabilities are superior to those of the majority of Olympian gods. He is more violent and less predictable than Zeus. It is said that the Cyclops, after bestowing a lightning bolt upon Zeus, the god of thunder, and a trident upon Poseidon, the god of the seas, then gave Hades the helmet of invisibility. His son, Percy, was said to strongly resemble him, especially by Apollo. 15,942. Poseidon was one of the major deities in ancient Greece. Poseidon's powers and abilities No info yet. Indeed, Ares was only able to face Poseidon in combat when greatly enhanced by the violence of the War of the Gods. Immortality: Like all Olympians, Poseidon is immune to the effects of aging. Poseidon is the God of the Seas in the Greek pantheon. Unlike his brothers, who dress professionally while . PASSIVE - Each successful basic attack applies a hex to enemies and empowers . Percy as the demigod son of Poseidon is an immensely powerful individual as stated by multiple people throughout his adventures and is one of the most powerful demigods in the world. Poseidon was one of the most powerful gods, only rivaled by his brothers, Zeus and Hades. His array of powers made Hermes a contribution among the gods. This is considered to be an extremely powerful weapon because of the Sea Kings' destructive potential to sink islands with ease, and to control such a force is regarded as one of the most fearsome abilities in the entire . Tidal Wave: Poseidon calls forth a massive tidal wave which deals damage in a directed path. Olympian: Poseidon belongs to a race of ancient and inconceivably powerful beings known as the Old Gods. Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty, and the protector of sailors. The Cyclops has the brothers . Tidal Wave: Poseidon calls forth a massive tidal wave which deals damage in a directed path. He is the god of the seas and earthquakes. The powers of Poseidon is that he was the god of the sea, sea animals, storms, earthquakes, and horses. Poseidon is the God and King of the Sea. One of the three Elder Gods (sons of Cronus), Poseidon was the god of the sea. Poseidon is a minor character in in Disney's 1997 feature film, Hercules. Powers and Abilities Powers. Poseidon is a prominent deity in the Greek Pantheon, being the God of the Seas, often referred to as the most fearsome god, the God of Gods and the Zeus of the Seas. Kraken (Ultimate): Kraken and multiple tentacles emerge from underneath the . Powers and Abilities. Furthermore, Poseidon oversaw earthquakes, was the patron of horses and was also thought to be involved in the presence of epilepsy. The nameless infant shares his father's sea-green skin and has fin-like ears. She is the Goddesses of the Sea and the wife of the Sea God Poseidon. 330.4K. Poseidon's signature weapon is the trident which he wields with great . In particular, their geokinetic abilities surpass those of Poseidon's children, being able to open up fissures in the earth. soo basically fish boy boost attack of ice type monsters by 5% in his first card level.and as tested it just works with one row and not all like Ra.even thou. Poseidon is muscular with aqua-blue skin with blonde eyebrows, hair, long mustache and short beard, octopus-like tentacles and a scarlet red bird-like tattoo design in the middle of his chest. Powers and Abilities Powers. As a god, Poseidon possessed several abilities common to his kind, however as one of the big three, he is very powerful, more so than most pagan gods. Attributes. Blood of Zeus shows the staff to have waterbending abilities as well. Powers and Abilities. Immortality Transcendent Physiology Supernatural Condition Antinhea (Torito Origins) Amazigh Gods (Amazigh/Berber Mythology) Athena (Riordanverse) Poseidon (Riordanverse) Anteaus . Health +50. A statue of Poseidon was seen at the Gotham City Museum, getting entangled by a giant plant. A. 6.8K. At close range, this is the only ability that can reliably destroy a temple with a single blow. Olympian Physiology: As an Olympian goddess, Persephone was a phenomenally powerful being, thought to be more powerful than Cronus. Rivaled in power on by his brothers Zeus and Poseidon. Appearances Percy Jackson and the Olympians The Lightning Thief. Powers and Abilities General Abilities. The nameless infant seems to be rather happy when being held by his father . We'll see. Poseidon was god of the sea. 1 appearance(s) of Poseidon (Earth-9602) 7 image(s) of Poseidon (Earth-9602) 1 quotation(s) by or about Poseidon (Earth-9602) Links and . Poseidon's Trident has the power over the sea while it also makes tsunamis and waves, along with sea foam. He was the brother of Hades. Like all Olympians, Poseidon possesses strength that no human can match up to and is superhumanly durable. He could create storms to sink ships or clear weather to help them along. Despite his small role in the film, he plays a larger role in the animated series. Water Manipulation - Poseidon can control the movement of water using only his mind. Powers and Abilities History. Powers and Abilities. ; Technique []. Poseidon is the Gods' representative in the third round of Ragnarok, going against Sasaki Kojiro. An Olympian God. He was known for his many powers which included being the god of travel, gambling, messaging, invention, sleep, speed, and thievery. Bumba's Dagger +7. He is the second son of Kronos and Rhea, younger brother of Hades, older brother of Zeus, and husband of Amphitrite. Sailors were always worried that Poseidon might send out a tidal wave or storm to kill them. His mythology and powers are similar, though not identical, to those of Indo-European deities such as Jupiter, Perkūnas, Perun, Indra, Dyaus and Thor. As the God and King of the Sea, Poseidon has many powers and abilities which he had possessed: Hydrokinesis; Conjuration of earthquakes Hydrokinesis: As god of the seas, Poseidon has full control over the seas and water in all its forms. Mana. Powers and Abilities Physical appearance. Zeus is the sky and thunder god in ancient Greek religion, who rules as king of the gods of Mount Olympus. Powers & Abilities [] As an elder Olympian Deity and God of the Seas, Poseidon is a very powerful god. He can control all of the sea. Poseidon is only second to his brother, Zeus and also happens to be the uncle of, Stephen Wyatt. As an Olympian god, Poseidon possesses natural powers and abilities such as immortality, omnipresence, omniscience, superhuman strength, metamorphosis, and teleportation. Poseidon is characterized similar to Zeus. Nothing much is known of Ceto's personality, but it is shown that she cared for her Apostle Lana deeply and felt anger and rage at Poseidon for his . Poseidon has the power to manipulate the weather. The man or boy who is chosen to control the trient is one with the gods, until the next . Hades drew the underworld and become the God of the Underworld and of the dead. jean grey powers, . Atmokinesis: As the immortal ruler of the seas, Poseidon possesses the power to cause violent storms over marine-time areas. 6/3/2021. It can cause gigantic waves, tsunamis, storms, typhoons and so on. In the past, Nero was an old friend of Ziggy and considers the Demon King to be a wise and thoughtful man he could call a friend. He wasn't the God of Gods for nothing. The power to possess the traits or powers or to be a Water Deity. He has complete control over the water, and he is virtually immortal. Powers and Abilities Powers. Immortality: Like all Olympians, Poseidon is immune to the effects of aging. 9,317. Like his brother Zeus, Poseidon fathered many offspring, both mortals and deities . Amphitrite has slender, light blue skin and hair with a pink seashell on her head, red lips, two antennas on her forehead, and wears a pink Ancient Greek style dress. Gods of Water Great Water Spirit Physiology King/Queen/Lord/Lady of the Seas/Ocean Lake/River, Seas/Ocean, Rain/Flood Deity Physiology User with this ability either is or can transform into a Water Deity . Powers and Stats. Poseidon's Unique Physiology: Amphibian; Superhuman Sensory System . 5 / 0 / 0. Answer (1 of 5): Poseidon, before even getting to rule the oceans, is a God. His weather manipulation powers' surpass those of Ororo of Themiscyra. to be added to be added to be added Height: 204cm Weight: 89kg Punching Power: 3.5 t. Kicking Power: 7 t. Maximum Jump Height: 45 m. Maximum Running Speed: 100 m. per 6.1 sec. @Korone, I understand and agree with your changes in . As a goddess, Amphitrite possesses the natural powers and abilities of an . It is never made clear whether Poseidon bends the water with his own godly abilities or if the weapon is what allows for the waterbending. This allow him to change form to whatever he wants (human, animal, water, tree…). He could also make earthquakes, and the madder he was the bigger they were. Variation of Elemental Deity Physiology and Nature Spirit Physiology. Physical Power +12. He was the god of the sea, of earthquakes and of horses. Poseidon Rex possesses the following powers and abilities: Sharp teeth; Fast swimming; Enormous size; Amphibious locomotion; Fate 0. Poseidon has sea-green skin and beach curled hair. Hydroscience- As the god of ocean, Poseidon knows everything about the oceans; Regeneration- Poseidon is capable of healing himselves in a short amount of time. Variation of Transcendent Physiology. Though it can thin a crowd somewhat, Water Blast is better for crowd control. After the War Zeus, Hades and Poseidon drew lots to rule over. Much like Hera who has authority on many gods, Amphitrite can command any aquatic creature or sea-gods to do her bidding. Powers and Abilities. Powers and Abilities. This version of Kamen Rider Poseidon (仮面ライダー, Kamen Raidā ?) To decide this, the world was divided into three parts: the skies, the seas, and the underworld.

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