stiff resistance synonym

Define Stiff by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal … stiff upper lip definition: 1. Definition of Stiffness | Plus, get 1 TB of cloud storage, document sharing, ransomware recovery, and more with OneDrive. The most obvious causes of acute stiffness. STIFF English Definition and Meaning | defiance, opposition; Antonyms: Noun. Another colloquial meaning of stiff is "to underpay, or to cheat.” Also, a stiff drink has a lot of alcohol. It's rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. Stiffness IntoTheBlock’s “In/Out of the Money Around Price” (IOMAP) model reveals that for Marker to resume its uptrend, it must turn the $531-$546 resistance level into support. Learn Synonyms by solving synonyms questions, these are Synonyms multiple choice questions asked in competitive exams and may be asked again. Define Stiff by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Dream Dictionary. (a) maybe not moving or operating effortlessly or freely; resistant: a stiff hinge. "a stiff hinge ". Stiff neck. The words Stiff and Distant have synonymous (similar) meaning. Nandina domestica Stubborn definition, unreasonably obstinate; obstinately unmoving: a stubborn child. Synonyms & Antonyms for resistance. Bacterial wilt or Southern bacterial blight is a serious disease caused by Ralstonia solanacearum (formerly Pseudomonas solanacearum).This bacterium survives in the soil for extended periods and enters the roots through wounds made by transplanting, cultivation, insect feeding damage, and natural wounds where secondary roots emerge. Wikipedia k , {\displaystyle k,} of a body is a measure of the resistance offered by an elastic body to deformation. You may also want to see a health care provider if you have symptoms that last more than 10 days or for symptoms that initially improve and worsen again. Stiff,the least specific, refers to what can be flexed only with difficulty (a brush with stiff bristles); with reference to persons it often suggests a lack of ease, cold formality, or fixity, as of purpose: "stiff in opinions"(John Dryden). Stiff Urdu Meaning - Find the correct meaning of Stiff in Urdu, it is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from English to Urdu. Whisk the egg whites until stiff. In this page you can discover 21 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for stiff-necked, like: stubborn, unyielding, priggish, obstinate, prudish, aloof, arrogant, bullheaded, contumacious, intractable and obdurate. Skipping scheduled servicing coupled with the natural wear and tear of certain components are the most common reasons for a stiff steering wheel. RESISTANCE Synonyms: 45 Synonyms & Antonyms for … See more. Find similar words and phrases with our powerful synonym search engine. The correct meaning of बेहद in English is Stiff. Wiktionary. The most popular dictionary and thesaurus. Word Table 22-1.—Penetration resistance and soil properties based on the SPT (Peck, et al.) When a person is stiff, they are artificial and unrelaxed — unless they're "scared stiff" or "bored stiff." Stiff Resistance Ahead. When any or all of these things fail to function properly, you will experience a steering wheel hard to turn because of the high-level of resistance. (a) In a stiff fashion: frozen rigid. to put up resistance - English definition, grammar ... stiff as a board (=extremely stiff): The washing on the line was frozen and stiff as a board. Stiff resistance definition and meaning | Collins English ... (n) Slang someone considered constrained, priggish, or very formal. stiff Unabridged Based on the Random House … justifiably unyielding : resolute. It is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from Hindi to English. difficult/severe; more difficult or severe than usual. Free online Dictionary including thesaurus, children's and intermediate dictionary by Wordsmyth. Someone…. a stiff piece of card. Stiff-person syndrome (SPS, formerly called stiff-man syndrome) is an uncommon disorder characterized by progressive muscle stiffness, rigidity, and spasm involving the axial muscles, resulting in severely impaired ambulation [ 1,2 ]. Synonyms: rigid; stiff. Artemisia / ˌ ɑːr t ɪ ˈ m iː z i ə / is a large, diverse genus of plants with between 200 and 400 species belonging to the daisy family Asteraceae.Common names for various species in the genus include mugwort, wormwood, and sagebrush.. Artemisia comprises hardy herbaceous plants and shrubs, which are known for the powerful chemical constituents in their essential oils. Learn the definition of 'to put up resistance'. k = F δ {\displaystyle k= {\frac {F} {\delta }}} where, F {\displaystyle F} is the force on the body. Solid, stiff or hard. Synonyms for will include determination, drive, commitment, resolution, resolve, backbone, self-control, self-discipline, self-restraint and self-mastery. It's expired and gone to meet its maker. 1620s, "stiffness, inflexibility," especially in mechanics, "resistance to change of form;" 1620s, from Latin rigiditas "stiffness," from rigidus "hard, stiff, rough, severe" (see rigid).By 1650s as "strictness, severity," but rigidity tends to be used of physical stiffness, while rigor is more active or moral. Stiff Resistance “For you to come in and say you ready to take over, the UK must know they are going to meet with some stiff resistance,” he said. : Die Komponenten sind relativ steif, die Materialien vorwiegend spröde. Stiff explanation. Tumblr will soon bar its millions of users from posting "not safe for work" (NSFW) content featuring nudity and pornography, the blogging platform announced Monday.Tumblr is a … : Components are relatively stiff and the materials fairly brittle. so let's solve synonyms questions. There are always several meanings of each word in English. stubborn: [adjective] unreasonably or perversely unyielding : mulish. -. n. considerable opposition. Synonyms for stiff. from The Century Dictionary. n. stiff opposition. The new proposals have met with stiff opposition. Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers, a book by Mary Roach. a : a person who you think is lucky, unlucky, etc. It is defined as the property of a material which is rigid and difficult to bend. Comparative for severe or harsh in nature. The controversy over trigger pointsYou may refer to them as knots, but those tender, stiff, and often painful areas you most likely have on your shoulders, neck, and back are technically known as trigger points. This situation quickly changed as the attacking forces met with stiff resistance. The system found 25 answers for stiff obstinate crossword clue. Find 45 ways to say RESISTANCE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Someone who has a stiff upper lip does not show their feelings when they are upset: 2. Find 62 ways to say STUBBORN, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Find out what connects these two synonyms. Answer (1 of 16): The resistance to the CAA is questionable. 2. stiff examination kỳ thi khó; a … e. fuerte (penalty or opposition) The bill is likely to face stiff opposition from labor unions. very high: a stiff price/penalty/tariff Companies sometimes pay a stiff price for … resistance (in physics) Something that keeps a physical material (such as a block of wood, flow of water or air) from moving freely, usually because it provides friction to impede its motion. Strength & Stiffness. Antonyms for strong. Stiff (professional wrestling), how a wrestler attacks an opponent. ‘The news of increase in sales tax on diesel had met with stiff resistance from petrol pump dealers, who had threatened to go on a strike in protest against it.’ Synonyms difficult , hard, arduous, tough, strenuous, laborious, uphill, exacting, demanding, formidable, challenging, punishing, back-breaking, gruelling, Herculean Understand the difference between Stiff and Distant. acquiescence; Visit the Thesaurus for More To overpower, domineer, take control, run the show, run the household. Stiffness, a material's resistance to bending. 2 To appear as if covered with bristles; to have standing, thick and erect, like bristles. Stiff (film), an Australian TV movie based on the novel. Words Related to stiff. There are some instructively familiar circumstances where we get stiff: the early stages of cold or flu, and the soreness that follows a relatively big bout of exercise (delayed onset muscle soreness), or the complaints of joints and tendons that have succumbed to overuse injuries like patellofemoral syndrome or plantar fasciitis. Quotes containing the word stiff . Stiff may refer to: Stiff, a human corpse. re‧sist‧ance /rɪˈzɪstəns/ noun [ uncountable] a refusal to accept change or new ideas, methods etc The company faces resistance from middle managers, who fear the changes will put them out of jobs. A pesar de la tenaz resistencia del enemigo, alcanzaron su objetivo. 2 letter words BO 3 letter words BUM - DOG - DRY - HAD - NAG - OUT - TOP - VAG 4 letter words Find 106 ways to say UNSTOPPABLE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Search stiff market and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Comparative for full of determination. stiff hinge bản lề rít; khó, khó nhọc, vất vả. This is a late parrot. 3 To be on one's guard... Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary. A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. 1 incapable of or highly resistant to bending. Gay Pride, annual celebration, usually in June in the United States and sometimes at other times in other countries, of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) identity. You lucky stiff! These are often combined to atherosclerosis. Their union, Writers Guild of America-East, also represents Gizmodo Media Group, which includes Splinter, and several other digital outlets. solid. The benefits of three 26 wheels are perhaps known to most of you. They resist bending or deflection, racking or shape distortion and impact damage. vb. : Das serien-mäßig montierte Exemplar ist zwar hohl, dennoch extrem stabil und steif. The example of stiffness is rubber band. If single rubber band is stretch by two fingers the stiffness is less and the flexibility is more. Similarly, if we use the set of rubber band and stretched it by two fingers, the stiffness will be more, rigid and flexibility is less. "a stiff drink "; - potent, strong. In engineering mechanics a rigid body will undergo no deformation whatsoever under any amount of force.. Platanus × acerifolia, Platanus × hispanica, or hybrid plane, is a tree in the genus Platanus.It is often known by the synonym London plane, or London planetree.It is usually thought to be a hybrid of Platanus orientalis (oriental plane) and Platanus occidentalis (American sycamore). Synonyms for passive include acquiescent, submissive, compliant, yielding, docile, obedient, tractable, resigned, meek and pliant. A regular guy is a working stiff. Stiff person syndrome (SPS) is a rare disorder characterized by continuous muscle activity causing severe rigidity and episodic spasms in axial and limb muscles (l). It's the stiff cuppa that has helped Brits maintain that stiff upper lip in the face of adversity for generations. use a stiff piece of paper for the project. 6 ‘the army had put up a stiff resistance’ SYNONYMS vigorous , determined, full of determination, strong, spirited, resolute, tenacious, steely, four-square, unflagging, unyielding, dogged, stubborn, obdurate Rigidness (1640s) "perhaps holds a middle position" [Century Dictionary]. Incapable of or resistant to bending. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. adjective Being an airship with a external frame made of rigid parts. 1. : the body of a dead person. Stiff (novel), a novel by Shane Maloney in his Murray Whelan series. [count] informal. Extremely or irrationally stubborn and intractable. Stiff explanation. Comparative for difficult or laborious to execute or complete. Stiffness. Meaning: Very drunk. US. stiff punishment; stiff resistance; stiff sentence; stiff task; stiff upper lip; All ENGLISH words that begin with 'S' n. 1 A stiff or coarse hair. Athlon Optics is a relatively new name in the optics market. Antonym definition. Similar: inflexible (resistant to being bent) Derivation: stiffness (the property of moving with pain or difficulty) stiffness (the physical property of being inflexible and hard to bend) Sense 7. See more. If you hadn't nailed it to the perch, it would be pushing up the daisies. 0. adjective Not changing or adjusting to different conditions or problems. adjective Not flexible or pliant; stiff: synonym: stiff. stiff drink. Despite stiff resistance from the East India lobby in parliament and from the Company's shareholders, the Act passed. Browse the use examples 'to put up resistance' in the great English corpus. Gay Pride commemorates the Stonewall riots in New York City of June 28, 1969. n. strong objection. If a doorknob is stiff, it won't turn smoothly, and if the smile on your face is stiff, it’s frozen and unnatural looking. Le châssis de l'AX10 Scorpion est super léger et ultra rigide. Resistance, or a resistance level, is the price at which the price of an asset meets pressure on its way up by the emergence of a growing … Find another word for stiff-necked. [citation needed] If single rubber band is stretch by two fingers the stiffness is less and the flexibility is more. highly resistant. a stiff [gale, gust, wind] [gave, handed down, received] a stiff penalty (for) a stiff drink to [cool the nerves, take the edge off] [mix, make, need] a stiff drink ; poured himself a stiff drink of; beat the [mix, mixture, eggs, egg whites] until stiff [faced, provided] stiff [opposition, competition, resistance] a stiff [sanction, penalty] for Synonyms: (n) Slang A drunk. stiff opposition/resistance/competition There has been stiff opposition to the proposed tax increases. That poor stiff never gets a break. Stiff-person syndrome (SPS, formerly called stiff-man syndrome) is an uncommon disorder characterized by progressive muscle stiffness, rigidity, and spasm involving the axial muscles, resulting in severely impaired ambulation [ 1,2 ]. ACUTE SINUSITIS TREATMENT. It … Synonyms for strong in Free Thesaurus. Hard to master or overcome; very difficult: as, a stiff examination in mathematics. : It is stiff, usually straight or slightly curved. In general terms something is said to be stiff when it has a high stiffness coefficient, i.e., it takes a lot of force to deform it; but notice that it does deform. She offered stiff resistance to a thief attempting to snatch her bag. If he is lame in both feet the gait is stilty, the shoulders seem stiff, and, if made to work, he sweats profusely from intense pain. Learner's definition of STIFF. Le corps est froid, mais encore rigide.

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