Who's Stronger: Marvel's Thor or God of War's Thor? | CBR imo they were likely fighting at regular combat speeds, unless someone can give support to the idea that tutinax regularly fights at superspeeds. Odin created a cave in Norway where . Hulk gets stronger with his own rage but a love ray isnt going to change that. So Thor and Loki go gallivanting on Earth, causing all sorts of mischief. Obviously we don't know the mechanics, it seemed to work like a gatecutter but insanely high strength level regardless. Because iron man's suit has shown better durability feats fighting thanos than Thor did against thanos. Match Post: Venom vs Cat Noir- Venom #1 - MarvelBallRuto DC Child Thor fights for 80 days and nights without stopping. Erased Mangog from existence. Here's a High 6-B Durability feat by Post-Ragnarok Thor. Force Fields. Thor moving the Nivadelir rings is not actually a strength feat for him however it's an extremely impressive durability feat. EmptyHand 2 y 4 mo 12 d . Durability Battle: DCEU Superman Vs MCU Thor Vs MCU ... Feel free to comment on any feats and sources, and I'll add it to the timeline. Feats are one of the most important ways to gauge a character's power, and therefore, they are also the main points of argument on almost any thread. Thor Odinson is a character from Marvel Comics. Rune King Thor cant beat a fully fed Galactus or best a Fully powered Celestials. He-Man would probably punch Thor's "I say thee nay" speech into space. KMC Forums - What's the best feats of thor & when is thor ... The tower is 14,500 tons, and Thor performs this feat with absolutely zero effort. What are MCU Thor's best striking power feats without ... With his new hammer, Thor managed to damage Thanos while he had all of the stones, all well as overpowering a beam of energy. He often does not show this and has a more stoic and aloof expression on his face for most of the time, making him seem unapproachable to others. Thor is the god of thunder and the first God to fight in Ragnarok. 1) #4 opens up, Batman's in quite the predicament. Thing Colossus Hulk Superman Gladiator Hercules Silver Surfer Iron Man Wonder Woman Thor _____ Thor (Marvel Comics) | Character Profile Wikia | Fandom Takes multiple Massive Ordnance Penetrators, which can punch through 200 feet of concrete And tons of bullets. When Shadow of the Bat (Vol. It is really difficult to say if either one would not survive each other's durability feats. Marvel/DC Feats, Fights & Facts About the Author. He also fought Vegeta in episodes of One Minute Melee and DBX and one hundred Pikachu in an episode of. And what is arguably the greatest feat of them all. According to the Internet Movie Firearms Database, the gun that shot Pietro was a Browning Hi-Power, which has a muzzle velocity of 335 m/s. I wouldn't really call him a "child" in this scene. Thor defeats Demogorge, correction !! He's definitely at least in his "teenage years", possibly even early adult. The tower is 14,500 tons, and Thor performs this feat with absolutely zero effort. Cain Marko was once an ordinary school student. Doesnt even feel the Things punch. Hela Odinsdottir was the Asgardian goddess of death and former executioner of Asgard.Imprisoned in Hel for millennia by her father Odin, Hela was only released from her prison in the wake of his death and went to restore her power over Asgard while simultaneously engaging in a series of encounters with her younger brothers Thor and Loki.Gaining her power from Asgard, Hela planned to rule . First, let's establish how powerful Doom is. He is a founding member of the Avengers and Norse god. Thor Odinson is a superhero from Marvel Comics. This section of feats encompasses when Galactus has returned to his normal power level after a good meal. 2. He is also a middle child HA HA Born as the half-Asgardian, half-Elder God son of Odin, the All-Father and King of Asgard, and as the Norse God of Thunder, Thor was an adventurous yet ill-tempered deity, often travelling to other realms to do battle with . Thor. Clap shots BRB and Stardust. Death Seed Sentry (Earth-13133) DS Sentry let Thor has some durability feats. Active in 2 Spaces. 14. Folks get by feats only and do not consider the crossovers, something i like to do, though to be fair, they are not official here on kmc, so they are not wrong as Supes has the better feats, arguably. MCU Hela respect thread. Durability = Intensity*Cross Section = 3.9235669e+14 tons of TNT, or 392.35669 teratons (Large Country level) The Feat Thor's Dura: 392.35669 teratons ( Large Country level ) Thor. Octavian146 Peace through Subjugation. Contents. Tanks getting hit in the eye by the Human Torch and takes a hit from Classic Thor. This is more a durability feat for his eyes than anything. Allows him to survives his first encounter with The Beyonder, resulting in . 9 6. The Unstoppable Juggernaut is a villain from Marvel Comics, mainly appearing as an enemy of the X-Men. Backhands SS. Asgard Feats Timeline Project. Death Seed Sentry (Earth-13133) vs Thor # 6.2 K. Charles was successful at school, which resulted in Cain growing jealous of him . Thor 5 (2018) Thor 6 (2018) Doom "You face the most powerful Doom that has ever existed." Strength, durability feats, legendary fights and facts. While Thor should've gone for the head, he still has some pretty dang impressive moments of power in the MCU. Mjolnir Nigh-Omnipotence (Low Tier) Odinforce Empowerment . Hulk as better feats, durability, strength and how he as defeated things. First, let's establish how powerful Doom is. Iron Man, was at 457% at the time. 9 1. Death Seed Sentry (Earth-13133) vs Thor # 18.9 K. Death Seed Sentry (Earth-13133) Stomp. Created by remy94. I always like to think Thor and Superman are about the same. 1: Blocks a barrage of bullets after they were fired while heavily weakened. power stats. 1. 1.1 Thor creates winds on Asgard that topple entire mountains and cause Tsunami's on Earth - 16560 YottaFoe to 461258298.095 YottaFoe (Multi-Galaxy+) 1.2 Thor creates a Thermo-Blast which shakes the Universe - 5.61 ZettaFoe (Multi-Galaxy) 1.3 . Gladiator has performed too many mind-boggling feats to count. Marvel Thor has also shown enormous feats of strength, such as lifting towering monoliths or punching beings of great power, but he has also been bested numerous times in the strength department - he's not even the strongest Avenger, with Hulk being physically stronger than Thor. While all the characters named in this question are extremely powerful however Superman in terms of durability / endurace is one step ahead. Capable of withstanding Iron Man's repulsors. 9 6. Besides, the Celestials feat wasn't Thor by himself, he was amped by Odin. Miles Morales is fast enough to dodge Spider-Man's webbing, Missiles. Being furious, he was able to create a black hole encompassing a large part of the Andromeda galaxy . And, as I measured in here ( scale ), Pietro moves about 199.28 px while the bullet moves just 197. Goku. show 2 replies. After having his head cleared by the consciousness of the Ancient One and Clea, Called upon Chaos and Order, to defeat the In-Betweener whom was . 1.01 x 335 = 338.35 m/s. He is arguably the most famous Norse deity. Bastard. According to Eitri, the Uru metal would need several minutes to heat up and melt. Work in Progress. Durability is the big question mark on He-Man, and given that He-Man rarely got hit with anything (and when it did.it tended to affect him), and he made . She effortlessly crushed Mjolnir. In this form, he is also covered in a sheath of energy and can fire energy blasts without using . In Norse mythology, Thor is an Aesir god who personifies strength and fertility. In one instance, Thor pushes over the Leaning Tower of Pisa with just one finger. windshadow 3 y 3 mo 1 d . If we assume he was already this powerful by the end of his last film (not sure), then this scales to basically every Tier 6 on the verse. Additionally, Gladiator has many sensory powers like heat vision. Feats are actions performed by various characters/entities that are used to show their power. Taking the force from that video and assuming that she moved her fingers 0.01 meters, we can plug those into the work formula (energy=force*distance) and get this: 5.649604152E31*0.01=5.649604152E29 joules. 1. No sells Dazzler going all out Thor is the Norse god of thunder and lightning. Durability = Intensity*Cross Section = 3.9235669e+14 tons of TNT, or 392.35669 teratons (Large Country level) The Feat Thor's Dura: 392.35669 teratons ( Large Country level ) defeating Ares via the power of love isnt exactly something she can just kill everyone with when Ares feeds off of rage. And while IW Thor does get the star feat, it has also been stated by the Russos that Thor only survived it because he was that determined to kill Thanos. 10 wins (34.5%) 0 (0%) 19 wins (65.5%) Thor Thor Odinson Earth-616. User blog:BMWFanboy/Classic Thor feat pool | Top-Strongest Wikia | Fandom. Answer (1 of 5): Superman wins, all day, every day. EmptyHand 2 y 4 mo 12 d . Thor needed Mjolnir to do it! His lightning (most likely divine lightning) provided 1/3 [Silver Surfer and Rachel provided the rest] of the power needed to get the attention of the Scrier, the Other, and Galactus, who were fighting each other, with their battle threatening to end all universes-The Mighty Thor Annual (2011). User blog:MrLuk2000/Some MFTL+ Thor Feats | Character Level Wiki | Fandom . Juggernaut proceeds to call him "nearly his physical equal" (#172) Takes attacks from Jasper Whyte's robot Takes a direct attack from Galactus and is not visibly harmed (Secret Wars #9) Speed Thor #494 (1996) Thor casually defies Celestials' onslaught, can stun one of their most powerful ones and can beat a random one. Durability is the property which guarantees the ability to withstand a certain amount of force. he even had help. In a similar vain to the strength feats thread, please list any impressive feats (list no more than 3 for one character) of durability for the following characters and any other well known powerhouses I may have missed. When Dr. Doom stole Silver Surfer's powers, he mentioned that this cosmic energy used in its entirety could destroy a galaxy. Octavian146 Peace through Subjugation. This is not to be confused with endurance; while durability is the ability to withstand damage, endurance is a measure of stamina. Odin created a cave in Norway where . -However, those fights, Thor vs Superman and Hulk vs Superman (sans PC Superman) were and indicator for me that both companies see those 3 as peers. Logically, characters capable of physically achieving a certain degree of energy output, must be able to at least withstand a comparable amount of damage, or their . Joined December 2013. Beta Ray Bill, Thor's equal, can defy and tank the gravitational pull of two Black Holes. Looks straight into a supernova. Godlike Strength. Thor vs Superman: Who Is Stronger? In one instance, Thor pushes over the Leaning Tower of Pisa with just one finger. As far as Superman goes, his powers and feats are well-documented throughout the comics and it is very easy to support every statement with evidence.. Superman has superhuman traits like strength, speed, durability, and others. Scientists studying Godzilla call his bones denser than titanium. 1. Quora User. 2. For spidey its probably him holding the ferry together for a bit. Spider-Man vs Thor #. It can survive the Bleed, or also kn. 2y. He returned for the 84th episode, Thor VS Wonder Woman, where he fought against Wonder Woman from DC Comics. Thor. Thor 5 (2018) Thor 6 (2018) Doom "You face the most powerful Doom that has ever existed." Rune King Thor is still under beings such as The Living Tribunal infinitely. Jan 6, 2020 #25 Adaktheone9876 said: I did though, that rock was easily building sized, and because it was going so fast that it was ignited by flames. It's more power instead of strength. Clearly Thor does not surpass Mjolnir, in fact the best feats of Thor we see that Mjolnir is the one who is doing the work and not Thor. Death Seed Sentry (Earth-13133) DS Sentry let Thor has some durability feats. 493K. Strength (Mr. Hyde) Says he's stronger than 12 human beings, lifts a bus (Mr. Hyde) Punches clear through a wall, breaks the strongest bank doors Defeats Nightmare (Marvel Premiere #3) Defeated Nightmare in his own realm (Doctor Strange Vol.2 #13), the same Nightmare had grown far stronger and imprisoned Eternity from within to destroy Earth. Strength, durability feats, legendary fights and facts. These are some of the feats that Thor achieved with his new power along with Odinforce and Rune Magic. That's a durability feat, not strength. Rune King Thor can lose to the Abstract beings such as Eternity and Infinity. Lifting Strength. Mjolnir knocks out the Phoenix Force! Joker, Scarecrow, Two-Face, Riddler, Mad Hatter, Poison Ivy, and more all rush Batman at once. 2: Spider-Man moves in slow motion to him (already proved Spider-Man's speed before) 3: Catches an attack of Miles Morales from behind. A neutron star can very easily destroy a planet. Thor. Fights Thor in his Warrior Madness after becoming the Maestro (#440) Durability Takes several hits from the Juggernaut and is relatively unfazed. Thor is the blood-son of Odin, All-Father of the Asgardians, and Jord, who was also known as Gaea, the goddess who was one of the Elder Gods. 24.9K content views 365 this month. That said, he's punched Wonder Woman to the center of a planet, flown across galaxies (and through suns) in seconds, kicked Thor's hammer across a city, and even destroyed an entire world with a single punch. Doesnt even notice the full power of Storm. He also fought Vegeta in episodes of One Minute Melee and DBX and one hundred Pikachu in an episode of. Staff. 27 K. Thor Ok, Thor never lifted 20 planets with one arm. In probably his most famous strength feat, Thor lifts the Midgard . 199.28/197 = 1.01 times faster. Also, Thor pushed the wheel of the engine, not the nine realms. His father, Kurt Marko, had married Sharon Xavier, the wife of his friend Brian Xavier, and adopted Charles Xavier as a result, making him the stepbrother of Cain. He previously fought Raiden in the 21st episode of DEATH BATTLE!, Thor VS Raiden, and Wonder Woman in the 84th episode, Thor VS Wonder Woman. Durability - Yea these are about the same too based on all of the feats. Destroys Iron Man in a physical confrontation, twice. Power might speak of a being like The Living Tribunal, capable of altering space and time, while strength refers to the more physical concept of moving, lifting or perhaps punching things or . In fact, one of his claims to fame is that the weekday Thursday (Thor's day) is named after him. View Profile View Forum Posts . Thor knocks out the Phoenix Force, correction! Death Seed Sentry (Earth-13133) vs Thor # 18.9 K. Death Seed Sentry (Earth-13133) Stomp. Proves to be stronger than those if Invisible Woman. Power = Strange one-shot Galactus and In-Betweener with his power, and Phoenix Force was PIS, seeing as Thor got owned by Phoenix Force hosts multiple times throughout Avengers vs X-Men. Blocked Thor's Hammer; Stalemated with Warrior's Madness Thor (10x power) Multiple feats of durability Withstood Human Torch's Nova Blast (claimed to be 1,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit) Able to tank Fing Fang Foom's fire breath without flinching; Ares' spear breaks against the Hulk's skin Hawkeye's arrows can't pierce the Hulk's eyes Silver Surfer crossed unharmed through the heart of exploding galaxies and other cosmic conflagration. Thor's is several orders of magnitude better than the other two. Spoiler: Bullrushes Hulk through a metal door. I wanted to make a respect thread for MCU Thor, since some people apparent to really underestimate Thor, a lot. Probably the most underrated durability feat of the MCU. Thor Odinson is a character from Marvel Comics. Silver Surfer. Superman and His Powers. MCU Thor has absolutely no durability feat to compare to either of these (at least not Pre-Awakened). Her best combat feats are via doomsday, who tossed her around when lassod. If you don't believe that Hulk can survive any weapon above 40mm grenades or 25mm rounds then actually try to take a look at the feats posted for him and analyse why every single thing he withstood are all inferior to those weapons and prove that his durability cannot possibly go higher then tanking 40mm grenades and 25mm bullets instead of . Strength. Rune King Thor is still under Omnipotent beings such as The-One-Above-All and Pre-Retcon Beyonder. So here's what he does next to stop the Ragnarök cycle. Seeing as how Hela is a bada$$, I am going to make a thread for her. In other words, he cannot replicate this feat under normal conditions (and indeed, it is . He/Him/His. Thor's durability feats include, but are not limited to being immune to Ghost Rider's hellfire, sitting in the core of the sun, resisting being frozen, attacks by Celestials, attacks equal to that . He previously fought Raiden in the 21st episode of DEATH BATTLE!, Thor VS Raiden, and Wonder Woman in the 84th episode, Thor VS Wonder Woman. In terms of strength Goku tends to be more Ki-oriented. So here I will show why Superman calls himself the man of steel. Meaning it should've been . Too many ways for He-man to counteract Thor's feats. Thor Odinson is the god of thunder from Asgard and is the son of the All-Father Odin. Thor: His 15 Most Ridiculous OP Feats Of Strength In The MCU. 05-28-2014, 08:11 AM #10. Durability = I don't see how anything there is more impressive than Strange's feats. This one is tough but overall Superman tends to have better raw striking feats then Thor with Mjolnir. Firestorm808 • 11 December 2017 • User blog:Firestorm808. The best vaguely quantifiable durability feats for him I can think of are shrugging off machine gun fire from a jet in the first Avengers, crashing through levels of the unfinished skyscraper in AoU, and being dragged along the edge of the arena in Ragnarok and taking out a good section of its outer plaster and metal-looking sheeting in the . Id say captain marvels strongest feat is her puncturing Thanos mothership without a scratch. Before Earth's Mightiest Heroes met in Marvel's The Avengers, Hulk and Thor . Thor is a battle maniac and takes great interest in fighting; especially with strong and/or worthy opponents. 3. Thor #283 - Thor #388 - Thor #12.1. Yea Thor holding open that forge is insane. When the MCU first got started, there was some doubt about who the strongest Avenger really was. I've seen worse on both sides though like someone claiming that MCU Thor could throw his hammer above mach 30+ speeds. one opinion is likely as valid as any other, though, going on thor's history, i wouldn't say the author meant to imply thor was fighting ftl--even faster than slow light. Maybe Superman is a tad bit stronger/more durable, but not significantly. 1 Attack Potency. He resisted the force of 20 planets and broke free of it, but never lifted it. Feats: Has ties and wins over Thor, Silver Surfer, and Stardust. Odin sought to father a son whose power would derive from both Asgard and Midgard (as the Earth realm is called by Asgardians), and hence he sought to mate with Jord. Strength. Now, let's see Thor's feat: . Casually throws Thor. Death Seed Sentry (Earth-13133) vs Thor # 6.2 K. Durability Feats: [] Gets up from being thrown across Tokyo. That's likely a solar system+ level feat if not more. Here are his feats: Durability: Even before unlocking extra power, Thor managed to tank the full force of a neutron star. Some . Because iron man's suit has shown better durability feats fighting thanos than Thor did against thanos. Generally depicted with red hair and a red beard, he was prominent . 2 Durability: Marvel Thor windshadow 3 y 3 mo 1 d . Jmacq1. People generally use it as comparison to Thor's feat whenever I see a DCEU Superman vs MCU Thor and they don't really go into his other durability feats. Thor. Durability. May 20, 2016. Jan 6, 2020 #25 Adaktheone9876 said: I did though, that rock was easily building sized, and because it was going so fast that it was ignited by flames. This had to be one of the closest. Thor Odinson is a superhero appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The main goal of this thread is to catalog any major feats of Thor (Marvel Comics) to help newcomers see which feats are real and which are PIS/Outliers. Staff. (Cobra) Dodges Thor's hammer, the text implying this is an impressively superhuman feat; Durability (Thor) Is barely fazed by an attack that could kill 12 men; Journey Into Mystery #99. This was the first feat of Rune King Thor. Withstanding the power of a neutron star would put Thor's durability at multi-continent level. Meaning it should've been . Superman. Thor is the blood-son of Odin, All-Father of the Asgardians, and Jord, who was also known as Gaea, the goddess who was one of the Elder Gods. Publish date. Marvel Thor has also shown enormous feats of strength, such as lifting towering monoliths or punching beings of great power, but he has also been bested numerous times in the strength department - he's not even the strongest Avenger, with Hulk being physically stronger than Thor. Strength (Mr. Hyde) Says he's stronger than 12 human beings, lifts a bus (Mr. Hyde) Punches clear through a wall, breaks the strongest bank doors Most people focus too much on trying to debunk this as a pure physical feat for Thor that they completely ignore the fact that he would have to be insanely tough in order to act as the anchor for Rocket to pull a multi . He's been locked in Arkham Asylum by Jeremiah Arkham -- and if that weren't enough, Jeremiah's sent Batman's entire rogues' gallery after him. 2 Durability: Marvel Thor In order to teach . He appeared in the 21st episode of DEATH BATTLE!, Thor VS Raiden, where he fought against Lord Raiden from the Mortal Kombat series. Whis. And Thor wasn't just standing in that beam for almost a minute. Tier: 5-B Name . That strength is wasted on a human like you. Odin sought to father a son whose power would derive from both Asgard and Midgard (as the Earth realm is called by Asgardians), and hence he sought to mate with Jord. (Cobra) Dodges Thor's hammer, the text implying this is an impressively superhuman feat; Durability (Thor) Is barely fazed by an attack that could kill 12 men; Journey Into Mystery #99. With or without hammer, Thor is really damn strong. Thor arm-wrestles Hercules to a draw, causing the area to collapse and shifting the planet out of orbit. There are different types of feats, such as strength feats, speed feats, durability feats, destructive power feats, intelligence/prep feats, etc. Notable Attacks/Techniques: Limiter Release: Releases the limiters on his cyborg power core, temporarily increasing his speed, strength, and durability to incredible levels. Some feats of Rune King Thor. So Thor and Loki go gallivanting on Earth, causing all sorts of mischief. He/Him/His. Thor got blasted by the star for at least a minute.
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