vietnam population by religion

Before economic and political reforms in 1986, it was one of the world’s poorest countries, with a poverty rate over 70%. An appointed prime minister runs the government. Population and Census | Open Development Vietnam Protestantism: 1.5% … Religious The Mekong River delta lies in the south. Therefore, in this article, we would like to mention the traditional music of Kinh people – the dominant ethnic group in Vietnam, accounting for 85.7% total of the population. Religion in Vietnam - Learn Religions - Guide to the ... Buddhism: 12.2% of the Vietnamese population. Religious Vietnamese Religions & Beliefs This report contains 4 parts: Coming Home: Vietnam Veterans in American Society. Death rate. Vietnam 2019 International Religious Freedom Report About one in three people is under 15 years of age. When Vietnam was reunified in 1975, the country had a youthful age structure and a high fertility rate. Population by religion Vietnam Population 2021 (Demographics, Maps, Graphs) Life expectancy: 76,25 years. Vietnam is a socialist state governed by the Communist Party of Vietnam. Sometimes, they are grouped together as one religion called the three teachings or tam giáo . Problems and Issues. The temples in Northern Vietnam especially underwent extensive damage and neglect in the course of the land reform from 1953 to 1955 and in the period of collectivization between 1975 to 1986 in a reunified Vietnam. Cities and towns across the country held parades to honor the returning veterans and recognize the sacrifices they had made. At the 2016 Census the major religious affiliations amongst Vietnam-born were Buddhism (103,650), Catholic (44,227) and Baptist (2,264). 01.12.2021 By nyxi. Its founder was Gautama, a prince who bridled at the formalism of Hinduism as it was being interpreted by the priestly caste of Brahmans. Today Buddhism is arguably the most visible religion in Vietnam, although it is estimated that fewer than 10 percent of the Vietnamese actively practice. But they, too, were rul… Vietnam Demographics The period between 1945 to 1980s was characterized by the suppression of the Vietnamese folk region. 15.5 births/1000 population (2017 est.) Vietnam Also known as the Vietnamese folk religion, it is a cluster of local worship … The My Son Sanctuary is a structural display of Hindu tower temples developed over ten centuries.. 16. Vietnam occupies the eastern and southern part of the Indochinese peninsula in Southeast Asia, with the South China Sea along its entire coast. Christianity was first introduced to Vietnam in 16th century and established a solid position in Vietnamese society since 17-18th centuries. Ethnicity in Vietnam. Surveys carried out in the 1960s suggest that around 70% of the population were followers of Buddha. There are around 14 million indigenous people in Vietnam. The current population of Vietnam in 2021 is 98,168,833, a 0.85% increase from 2020.; The population of Vietnam in 2020 was 97,338,579, a 0.91% increase from 2019.; The population of Vietnam in 2019 was 96,462,106, a 0.96% increase from 2018. Population (2010) 87,850,000 Annual population growth rate (2000-2010) 1.1% Population gain (2000-2010) 9,090,000 GDP per capita $3,071 (US) Literacy 93.2% of adult population Life expectancy (2010) 75.5 Buddhist 9.3%, Catholic 6.7%, Hoa Hao 1.5%, Cao Dai 1.1%, … Nigeria, which has the sixth-largest Christian population in the world (87 million), also has the world’s fifth-largest Muslim population (90 million). Indigenous Religion. Capital : Hanoi. The climax of the Led by Nigeria, Sub-Saharan Africa is the only region that will continue to see growth by century’s end.In fact, four of the top 10 countries in the world in terms of population count will … Do it yourself, stick, stone, bow, arrow, gun will. Religious Affairs (CRA), 26.4 percent of the population is categorized as religious believers: 14.91 percent is Buddhist, 7.35 percent Roman Catholic, 1.09 percent Protestant, 1.16 percent Cao Dai, and 1.47 percent Hoa Hao Buddhist. Vietnam is a multi-ethnic country with 54 ethnic groups, which … Religions: Catholic 6.1%, Buddhist 5.8%, Protestant 1%, other 0.8%, none 86.3% (2009 est.) Vietnam population by religions ( 1999 census ) Region Name Chams ont érigé temps. The main religion in Vietnam was Buddhism. Infoplease has everything you need to know about Vietnam. The religion of Cao Dai, a synthesis of Confucianism, Daoism, Buddhism, and Roman Catholicism, appeared during the 1920s, and in the 1930s the Hoa Hao neo-Buddhist sect spread through parts of the Mekong delta. Birth rate. Of those that did identify with a religion in the census, 9.3% affiliated with Buddhist and 7.2% identified as Roman Catholic or Protestant Christian. Quick Facts About Vietnam: Population of more than 90 million people. As of 1 January 2021, the population of Vietnam was estimated to be 97,988,051 people. The country is bordered by the Gulf of Thailand to the southwest, Cambodia and Laos to … It has a long coastline, much of which fronts on the South China Sea to the east and south. Vietnam’s population is at 97 040 334 (2018). This is due to the implementation of Vietnam’s National Strategy on Population and Reproductive Health (2011-2020), which committed to ensuring convenient … MUSLIM POPULATION IN JAPAN : Religion: Year 2000 : Buddhist: 43220860 : Christian: 6514260 : Ethnic Religion: 6466360 : Chinese folk: 878150 These records were transferred into the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration in 2008. According to many studies, 70-90% of Vietnamese people are tam giáo . The French, aware of the potential threat of Buddhism to their authority, passed laws to discourage its growth. Roman Catholics and Protestants today constitute 7% and 1% of the country population … MUSLIM POPULATION IN JAPAN : Religion: Year 2000 : Buddhist: 43220860 : Christian: 6514260 : Ethnic Religion: 6466360 : Chinese folk: 878150 Religion in Vietnam - Three Main Religions | Asia Highlights Check out our countryprofile, full of essential information about Vietnam'sgeography, history,government, economy, population, culture, religion and languages. Vietnam country profile. Figures for Vietnamese and all Asians based on mixed-race and mixed-group populations, regardless of Hispanic origin. Religions: Buddhist 9.3%, Catholic 6.7%, Hoa Hao 1.5%, Cao Dai 1.1%, Protestant 0.5%, Muslim 0.1%, none 80.8% (1999 census) Origin of the name Vietnam: The word "Viet" once referred to a group of peoples that lived in Vietnam a long time ago. Vietnams Ethnic and Religious Minorities A Historical Perspective. In most countries in the world, the capital city is also the largest one in the whole country. Vietnam (Vietnamese: Cộng hòa Xã hội chủ nghÄ©a Việt Nam) is a country in Southeast Asia. 2009 Vietnam Population and Housing Census: Some key indicators”, the Central Population and Housing Census Steering Committee has undertaken the task of compiling and publishing the third report entitled “The 2009 Vietnam Population and Housing Census: Major Findings”. Only 19.2% of the Vietnamese population identified with a registered religion in the 2009 national census, while 81.8% identified as non-religious. If you ever visit this amazing place, you’ll see that the But the homecoming was very different for most Vietnam veterans. It’s a fun Vietnam fact. Population growth was 0.9 percent in 2018. Vietnam's population is in the period of golden population structure. Vietnam has a history of tribes uniting to form strong dynasties. population, almost all from the ethnic minority Khmer group, practices Theravada Buddhism. Today, Taoism has become a minority across the world with only 12 million people following it from Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam and China. Surveys carried out in the 1960s suggest that around 70% of the population were followers of Buddha. Vietnam’s economic freedom score is 61.7, making its economy the 90th freest in the 2021 Index. After the French left Vietnam the Catholics managed to hold onto their power in the country. Caodaism: 4.8% of the Vietnamese population. Each ethnic group has its own language, lifestyle, and cultural heritage. In addition, similar to other advanced countries, the country’s birth rate continually declined, standing at less than 2%. Click on the name of the country or dependency for current estimates (live population clock), historical data, and projected figures. The main religion in Vietnam was Buddhism. 15. The population of Vietnam is approximately 81 million. Religions > All. Ancestor worship is common in Vietnamese culture. Buddhism in Vietnam is primarily Mahayana, which makes Vietnam unique among the Theravada nations of southeast Asia. 97,141,003 (10 April 2020) Growth rate. Chart and table of Vietnam population from 1950 to 2021. Census results record 81% percent non belief (2004) although this may be inflated because of Vietnam's official status as an atheist nation, or that many reported as "non-believers" in formal religions still have some adherence to informal religious customs and practices such as … Demographics of Vietnam 2020. Despite undergoing modern developments, Vietnam is still a predominantly traditional country, with thousands of pagodas and shrines dedicated to Buddha as well as various deities and iconic figures. In 111 BC, the Han Dynasty from China absorbed Vietnam into their empire. Vietnam Literacy Rate 1979-2021. Religions and culture in Vietnam In 2019, about 26.4 percent of Vietnamese were categorized as religious believers with Buddhism accounting for the highest share of religions among the population . About a third of Singapore’s population is Buddhist (34%), while 18% are Christian, 16% are religiously unaffiliated, 14% are Muslim, 5% are Hindu and <1% are Jewish. China is to the north and Laos and Cambodia are to the west. Highest Mountain: Fansipan (3,143 meters) 8% are Christians (mostly Roman Catholic ) and 1-2% practice indigenous , animist religions including Hinduism. According to statistics released by the Government Committee for Religious Affairs (CRA), 26.4 percent of the population is categorized as religious believers: 14.91 percent is Buddhist, 7.35 percent Roman Catholic, 1.09 percent Protestant, 1.16 … Life expectancy is 67 for men and 72 for women. Its overall score has increased by 2.9 points, primarily because of an improvement in fiscal health. Statistics of major religion in Vietnam from 1900 to 2100Please support my channel. Of those that did identify with a religion in the census, 9.3% affiliated with Buddhist and 7.2% identified as Roman Catholic or Protestant Christian. Cao Dai has about half as many … Trouvent dans la province de Ninh Thuận et 15 094 autres sont à Bình [! Vietnam inherited its cultural wealth from thousands of years of history, sprinkled with a handful of outside influences. The remainder of the population belongs to folk or traditional religions (2%) or to other religions considered as a group (10%). United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100. According to the CIA World Factbook, in 2017, the population age 55 and above in Vietnam accounted for nearly 15% of the total population. Download Explore Select columns Select sort order Link to this page . Vietnam's Catholic population of 5 million makes it the second largest in Asia after the Philippines. Figures may not sum to 100% due to rounding. In 2020 the natural increase was positive, as the number of births exceeded the number of deaths by 1,127,948. Vietnam Religions. At present Vietnam has the fourth-largest Roman Catholic population in Asia, after the Philippines, India and possibly the People's Republic of China. In 2019, over 26 percent of the Vietnamese population were categorized as religious believers, of which 14.9 percent were Buddhists, followed by Roman Catholics at 7.4 percent. In terms of religious preferences among the population of Vietnam in the World Factbook, we see Buddhists at 7.9%, Catholic 6.6%, Hoa Hao 1.7%, Cao Dai 0.9%, Protestant 0.9%, Muslim 0.1%, no preferred religion 81.8%. ARTICLE: The Vietnamese immigrant population in the United States has grown significantly since the end of the Vietnam War, making it the sixth-largest foreign-born population in the country. Demographic profile. Vietnam is a multi – nationality country with 54 ethnic groups. Don’t just pray that God will save you from the invader. Vietnam non-religious or folk religion: 73.1% of the Vietnamese population. 27.3746 (2019) Age dependency ratio. The table below details the estimated religious composition of 198 countries and territories for 2010 to 2050. The three main religions in Vietnam are Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism. The cultural destruction prompted criticism and debate in the 1960s. 19.035 (2016) Adolescent birth rate per 1,000 women aged 15-19. Plenty of fertile land, and rice crops are abundant. Twenty percent of Vietnam’s population will be 60 years of age or older within the next 20 years, resulting in the country experiencing an “elderly population crisis”. by Nina Smith April 2, 2021. written by Nina Smith April 2, 2021. Vietnam imports few basic agricultural commodities, and the majority of the items people consume are grown or produced in Vietnam. Vietnam literacy rate for 2009 was 93.52%, a 3.36% increase from 2000. If that's not enough, click over to … Source: Pew Research Center analysis of … Countries in the world by population (2021) This list includes both countries and dependent territories.Data based on the latest United Nations Population Division estimates. All that has changed. So life was regulated by a vast array of beliefs and practices, taboos and injunctions, all designed to leash in these powers that held sway over human life. A president, chosen by the National Assembly, is head of state and commander of the armed forces. See “The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050” for more information on these projections, or download the data. Catholicism is seen as a foreign religion in Vietnam, with 52,000 followers among the population of 1.3 million in Thua Thien Hue province, according to church statistics. Buddhism in Vietnam. This article explores the characteristics of Vietnamese … Below are some general info such as total population, land area, biggest lake, highest mountain and other general facts about Vietnam that might be interesting to know. as an offshoot of Hinduism. The French, aware of the potential threat of Buddhism to their authority, passed laws to discourage its growth. Catholic 6.1%, Buddhist 5.8%, Protestant 1%, other 0.8%, none 86.3% (2009 est.) Vietnam non-religious or folk religion: 73.1% of the Vietnamese population. When the American soldiers returned home from World War II in 1945, they were greeted as heroes in the United States. The topics are treated thematically, presenting our version of the events and beliefs that have shaped Vietnam in … Protestantism: 1.5% … 1.14% (2020 est.) Buddhism: 12.2% of the Vietnamese population. Today Vietnamese Muslims claims that there are about 65,000 Muslims in Southern Vietnam, with at … Religion: Buddhism 7.9%, Catholicism 6.6%, Others 84% (2009) Population: 96 491 146 (2018) Control Form: Communist Republic; Area: 331 230 km2; Currency: Vietnamese dong; GNP per capita: 6 296 PPP $ National Day: September 2nd; Population of Vietnam. The Viet (Kinh) people account for 87% of the country’s population and mainly inhabit the Red River delta, the central coastal delta, the Mekong delta and major cities. The Vietnam Conflict Extract Data File of the Defense Casualty Analysis System (DCAS) Extract Files contains records of 58,220 U.S. military fatal casualties of the Vietnam War. Catholic churches are found throughout Vietnam, although at the time of the Vietminh takeover of North Vietnam, 700,000 Catholics, fearing religious persecution, fled to the south. Vietnam literacy rate for 2018 was 95.00%, a 1.48% increase from 2009. Through it all, the Vietnamese have a strong sense of pride in their traditions and way of life. For decades its name was synonymous with war. Vietnam now has a poverty rate below 6%, and one of the fastest-growing economies in Asia. Bare hand if you had too. The populations of both India and China will begin to contract after the mid-century—and it’s predicted that China’s total population will drop by almost half to 732 million by 2100.. Vietnam-born All Overseas-born Of the Vietnam-born, 24.6 per cent stated 'No Religion' which was lower than that of the total Australian population (29.6 per cent), and 3.9 per cent did not state a religion. Vietnam’s transformation has been incredible. In India, which has the second-largest Muslim population, Islam is a minority religion (making up 15% of the country’s population) and Hinduism is the majority faith. Ho Chi Minh City--More than 1,000 years ago, the first Vietnamese embraced Islam and charted the religion's unique path into this Indo chinese country. Around 7 percent of the population is Christian, and there are also tiny numbers of Hindu and Muslim believers. 1999. Answer (1 of 15): more than a thousand years of warfare will make you learn one thing from your ancestors: * God will not save you. The first dynasty that many consider to be the start of the Vietnamese state was the Hong Bang Dynasty which was ruled by the legendary Hung kings. How much and in what way religion guided one's daily conduct depended on one's background. Population density is high and uneven between regions all over the country, live mainly in the big cities and economy centers. It is different in Vietnam. Overall, population growth in Vietnam is quite low 4, increasing by just 1.07% in 2016, 5 and 1.15% in 2019. Vietnam, a one-party Communist state, has one of south-east Asia's fastest-growing economies and has set its sights on becoming a developed nation by 2020. 359.53741 (2015) Adolescent birth rate in women aged 10-19 years. Vietnam's main exports include crude oil, seafood, rice, shoes, wooden products, machinery, electronics, coffee, and clothing. Vietnamese Religion. Christianity, Religion, And Culture in Vietnam – 2021 Guide. Caodaism: 4.8% of the Vietnamese population. The main modes of arrival for the Vietnamese have shifted over the years, from refugee protection to family reunification. After the French left Vietnam the Catholics managed to hold onto their power in the country. Culture. This religion, making it dominant in Vietnam are associated with this,. Though the country is officially atheist—a result of its Communist history —most Vietnamese peoples’ lives are influenced by at least one major world religion. Religions. Population by religion, sex and urban/rural residence Search glossaries Source: Demographic Statistics Database | United Nations Statistics Division. Population: Viet Nam’s present population is around 80 million, about 87% of which is the majority ‘Kinh‘ group mostly living in low-lying areas, and the remaining 13% in fifty-three different ethnic groups living mainly in mountainous areas. One of the world's largest coffee producers. Population. Christianity: 6.9% of the Vietnamese population. The Capital City of Vietnam is Not The Largest In The Country. Hue’s royal tombs are a vivid portrayal of ancient royal art, architecture, and geomancy.. 17. Buddhism reached Vietnam at least 18 centuries ago. Smaller religious groups combined constitute less than 0.16 percent of the population and include Hinduism, mostly practiced by an estimated 70,000 ethnic Cham in the south-central coastal area; approximately 80,000 Muslims In Malaysia, around 10% of the population follow this Chinese folk religion. The main ethnic group in Vietnam is Viet or Kinh and it represents nearly 73.6 million, or 85.8% of the total population. 44.4408339184113 (2019) Age-standardized death rate from cardiovascular diseases, … This is an increase of 1.12 % (1,085,311 people) compared to population of 96,902,740 the year before. Vietnam Religion, Economy and Politics. As a whole, roughly 95% of Vietnam’s population follow their own religious practices, MoFA’s Deputy Spokesperson Doan Khac Viet said at a press conference in Hanoi on April 29, adding that the figures largely show Vietnam’s consistent policy on respecting the people’s rights to religious freedom. Vietnam Urban Population. My Son ruin in Vietnam. It is largely this religious amalgam that is practiced by the roughly half of the population that identifies itself as being Buddhist. Christianity: 6.9% of the Vietnamese population. Only 19.2% of the Vietnamese population identified with a registered religion in the 2009 national census, while 81.8% identified as non-religious. Adult literacy rate is the percentage of people ages 15 and above who can both read and write with understanding a short simple statement about their everyday life. Confucian scholars, who prided themselves for their rationality, often scoffed at what they considered the superstitious nature of peasant religion. Currently, 37.0 % of the population of Vietnam is urban (35,686,730 people in 2019) Created with Highcharts 9.2.2. If you’re a history buff, you probably know that the Vietnamese culture is one of the oldest and most diverse ones in Southeast Asia. Vietnam Religion Percentage. As a factor in Vietnamese history for several centuries, it has been and now is a religious force which requires the attention of those who seek to understand the internal situation. Buddhism has, however, been a driving political force in Vietnamese history, and in 1963, monks led the resistance against the government of South Vietnam. Select filters: Country or … The 1998 Vietnam Living Standards Survey showed that over 70 percent of the total population engaged in farming or farm-related work. Definition: This entry is an ordered listing of religions by adherents starting with the largest group and sometimes includes the percent of total population. Vietnam has 54 ethnic groups, which means that there are 54 different traditional musical backgrounds. In religious construction, pagodas are for worship and offerings, while temples are built to honor historical figures. Demographics of Vietnam [1] Vietnam population pyramid on census day 01/04/2019. Vietnam, country occupying the eastern portion of mainland Southeast Asia. The Roman Catholic Church stated that, as of the end of 1965, 10.5% (approximately 1,600,000) of all the South Vietnamese Republic's present population are members. Vietnam is a multi-ethnic country with 54 distinct groups recognized by the Vietnamese government. Vietnam Religion Percentage. The long-form name of the country is the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.The neighboring countries of Vietnam are China, Laos and Cambodia.Vietnam is one of five remaining countries that believe in communism.The capital of Vietnam is Hanoi.The biggest city is Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon). Located in the easternmost part of mainland southeast Asia, Vietnam is home to 95.5 million people. Vietnam’s population by sex (Unit: thousand people) – Adapted from General Statistics Office of Vietnam. In reality ,religion in Vietnam has historically been largely defined by a mix of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism, known in Vietnamese as the Tam Giao (“triple religion”).Catholicism is also practiced in modern Vietnam. Long and narrow on a north-south axis, Vietnam is about twice the size of Arizona. About Vietnam We’ve written these pages about Vietnam’s history, culture and religion for people who are not familiar with our Asian culture. Festivals in Vietnam offer visitors the best opportunity for getting up close and personal with the myths, customs and fun-loving spirit of this proud nation. General Facts about Vietnam. Modern-day Vietnam is recognized as a multi-ethnic country, with one main ethnic group known as Kinh (or Viet), and 53 ethnic minorities of varying sizes. * Figure 1. Vietnam shares borders with It’s a hefty wedge of the national population which is roughly 95 million, making it one of the most populous countries on Earth. Later, the term "Nam Viet" was used to describe the people living in southern Vietnam. There are about 7 million Catholics in Vietnam, which has a population of about 98 million. See methodology for more detail. Historically, most Vietnamese have identified themselves with Buddhism, which originated in what is now southern Nepal around 530 B.C. Total Population: 94,569,072.

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