1881 – after 30 years of work, Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort publish The New Testament in the Original Greek, along with notes on variations and principles of textual criticism Westcott-Hort Text (From "How We Got The Bible", by Neil R. Lightfoot, pg 62) “ In the year 1881 two Cambridge scholars, B. F. Westcott and F. J. Hort's son stated: “About the time that Mr. Daniel MacMillan (Founder of MacMillan Publishing Co.) suggested to him that he should take part in an interesting and new New Testament "scheme."
A. Hort on an influential critical edition of the Greek text of the New Testament. A. Hort on the Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology (1854–59). Hort also served on the Revision Committee for the English Revised Version of 1881. 1. There is a “miscalculation” in the book which has contributed to a misunderstanding in how textual variants are counted. The S.P.R. Brooke Foss Westcott (January 12, 1825–July 27, 1901) was an English churchman and theologian, Bishop of Durham from 1890 until his death.. This is the text that Hort, together with his friend B. F. Westcott, relied upon for compiling their edition called The New Testament in the Original Greek, which took twenty-eight years to complete. Westcott-Hort Text (From "How We Got The Bible", by Neil R. Lightfoot, pg 62) “ In the year 1881 two Cambridge scholars, B. F. Westcott and F. J. He held this chair until 1890, when he became Bishop of … Brooke Foss Westcott (1825-1901) and Fenton John Anthony Hort (1828-1892) produced a Greek New Testament in 1881 based on the findings of Tischendorf. Grammar and Lexicon. Product Details. He taught most of his life there and became closely associated with two other famous Cambridge scholars, J. B.Lightfoot and B. E Westcott. Lifelong friends were Lightfoot, E.W. Much that is said of Hort, can also be said of Westcott. ANDNEWYORK 1894 In 1846 he passed from Rugby School to Trinity College, Cambridge, where he was the contemporary of E. W. Benson, B. F. Westcott and Joseph B. Lightfoot. Lightfoot, Westcott and Hort were among its members…Lightfoot and Westcott both became bishops, and Hort Professor of Divinity. In addition to his extensive scholarly accomplishments, Bible commentaries, and his multi-volume … After his studies at King Edward's School, Birmingham, he entered Trinity College, Cambridge (1847), where he was a private pupil of B. F. westcott and worked as editor with F. J. The very title implies that any other text is based on non-original sources. Hort attended rugby school from 1841 and moved to Trinity College in Cambridge in 1846 . There he formed a friendship with Joseph Barber Lightfoot, who in later life was to become a Cambridge colleague and precede him as Bishop of Durham. ILonfcon MACMILLANANDCO. Lightfoot, Westcott, and Hort were among the members. In 1844 Westcott obtained a scholarship at Trinity College, Cambridge. school, Birmingham, under James Prince Lee, where he formed his friendship with Joseph Barber Lightfoot (q.v.). Lightfoot, Westcott, and Hort served together at the University of Cambridge from 1860-1900 and countered German higher criticism as it marched westward to the British Isles. WESTCOTT, BROOKE FOSS (1825–1901) Wescott was an English NT scholar and bishop, best known for his partnership at Cambridge (where he was Regius Professor of Divinity from 1870) with J. Doctors Westcott and Hort, both Revisers, believed this larger hope." B. Lightfoot.
Anglican bishop of Durham, Eng ., and biblical scholar who collaborated with Fenton J.
Hort. Westcott was born in Birmingham, England, and he was educated at the University of Cambridge. All modern English versions, without exception, are either totally or partially based on this Greek text. Westcott & HortT NA28T+A, T Textus T ReceptusT, NA28T+A, SBLT+A NA28 T+A, SBL , TischendorfT+A, StephanusT, ScrivenerT, ByzantineT+A, Westcott & Hort T, T ... (Lightfoot) T Apostolic Fathers (Lightfoot) , Qur’anT PhiloT, Apostolic Fathers (Lake)T OT PseudepigraphaT, Philo , JosephusT, Apostolic Fathers (Lake)T ra'-ka, ra-ka'> (rhaka, Westcott and Hort, The New Testament in Greek with Codices Sinaiticus (corrected), Vaticanus, Codex E, etc. The three men Hort, Westcott and Lightfoot were also known as the "Cambridge Triumvirate". Some of the English scholars included: Dr. Fenton J.A. (Life, Vol.I, pp.240,241). B. Lightfoot (1828–89) and F. J.
In 1963, Neil R. Lightfoot penned a book that has served to help over a million readers, How We Got the Bible. B. LIGHTFOOT (1828–1889) was an outstanding British New Testament scholar. One of the statements specified that no member could be on the committee if they rejected the deity of Christ (i.e., the truth that Jesus was God in the flesh). has hardly lived up to the standard of ecclesiastical eminence set by the parent society. He became Huslean Professor of Divinity at Cambridge. (Life, Vol.I, p.207). Hort as Alexandrian mystics (see 'Alexandrian Theology' et al.). Between 1870 and 1881, Westcott was also continually engaged in text critical work for an edition of the New Testament and, simultaneously, in the preparation of a new text in conjunction with Hort. Professors of Divinity at Cambridge University and leading Churchmen for most of the second half of the nineteenth century, they are said to have laid down the lines of a new science of New Testament On November 1, 1870, he was elected as Regius Professor of Divinity at the University of Cambridge . English theologian, born in Dublin on the 23rd of April 1828, the great-grandson of Josiah Hort, archbishop of Tuam in the 18th century. Westcott and Hort dabbled with the occult and communicating with spirits, and had a club called the "Ghostly Guild", which included a man named Lightfoot, who created a Lexicon to support their new Greek Text. Between them they did much to establish the best Greek text of the New Testament. . "Lightfoot and Westcott both became bishops, and Hort Professor of Divinity.
All the critical editions since 1881 are basically the same as Westcott-Hort. In 1850 Hort took his degree, being third in the classical tripos.
Note: these works may also be purchased as part of the larger Lightfoot collection and in the bundle which includes the NT Commentaries of Westcott & Hort. Hort was educated at Cambridge, where he joined a group of biblical scholars including Westcott and Joseph Barber Lightfoot, and he maintained the connection throughout his life.
Reviews. He was then, as always, more interested in psychical phenomena than he cared to admit.’ “Lightfoot and Westcott both became bishops and Hort Professor of Divinity. (This Roman Catholic translation also appears in the NASV). J. The years in which Westcott, Lightfoot and Hort could thus meet frequently and naturally for the discussion of the work in which they were all three so deeply engrossed formed a happy and privileged period in their … The highly respected “Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics” identifies both B.F. Westcott and F.J.A. Hort lobbied (some would say intimidated) committee members to follow the Westcott and Hort text. Hort deveria editar o texto em conjunto com o Sr. Westcott; o último seria responsável por um comentário, e Lightfoot iria contribuir com uma NT Grammar and Lexicon. The Occult Illustrated Dictionary even cites our Bible correctors B.F. Westcott, Hort, and Lightfoot and their 'ghostly' games.
collaboration with his friends of Cambridge days, Fenton John Anthony Hort and Joseph Barber Lightfoot. Hort’s purpose It is almost universally affirmed by modern scholarship that Hort's greatest and enduring achievement was to dethrone or kill the Textus Receptus. (p. 121) Now the study: Our problem lies here, that few scholars are aware that the latest Nestle is a close copy of the 1881 text, and that edition succeeds edition with little or no textual change. Between the years 1870 and 1881 Westcott was also continually engaged in work for the revision of the New Testament, and, simultaneously, in the preparation of a new text in conjunction with Hort. This is the text that Hort, together with his friend B. F. Westcott, relied upon for compiling their edition called The New Testament in the Original Greek, which took twenty-eight years to complete. Westcott and Hort’s main work was the recension of the Greek text of the New Testament; Lightfoot was concerned with the Pauline epistles and the apostolic Fathers. ... surveyed by Neil Lightfoot in the third edition of How We Got the Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2003). B. Lightfoot and B. F. Westcott. Its merits need to be judged on historical grounds. Non Canonized Sacred Text. Expand your understanding of this important figure’s theology and pastoral ministry with this collection of his sermons and letters. F. J. He was friends with Edward White Benson, Joseph Barber Lightfoot, Brooke Foss Westcott and FD Maurice, whom he defended publicly when he lost his chair at King's College in 1853 . [parenthesis in original] (57) The following are excerpts from The Life And Letters Of Fenton John Anthony Hort, published by his son Arthur Hort. A major discovery has been Greek manuscripts preserved on papyrus. mid-1800’s – Tischendorf discovers the Sinaitic Manuscript and publishes the Vatican Manuscript.
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